Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Temptation of Christ: Spotting Sin for What It Is - 1/11/09am

Luke 4:1-4 -Man does not live by bread alone
In this temptation, Satan presents Christ with a suggestion: that He turn rocks into bread. On the surface, it seems a reasonable suggestion, as there’s certainly nothing wrong with eating bread. Yet, had Christ given in, it would have been sin. It would have been a misuse of His divine power, and it would have been following the wrong priority.
Deuteronomy 8:1-5 -Man does not live by bread alone
Matthew 6:19-33 -Seek first the kingdom

Luke 4:5-8 -Worship the Lord your God
In this next temptation, Satan offers Christ a great deal, and all He has to do is worship the devil! Christ refuses. Was the world Satan’s to give? Of course not. Sin often appears to offer us more than it can actually give. It often seems more beneficial than it is in truth.
Deuteronomy 6:13-15 -Fear the Lord your God and serve Him only
Daniel 4:24-32 -The Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men
Hebrews 11:24-26 -”The passing pleasures of sin”

Luke 4:9-12 -Do not tempt the Lord your God
In this third temptation, Satan tells Christ to throw himself off the temple, because God will save Him. He even quotes scripture to encourage Him. Christ refuses. We see (at least) two things here about sin. It can come along with misused scripture. And it is putting God to the test: it is a challenge against the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1-16 -Satan’s quoted verses: God’s protection of the faithful
Deuteronomy 6:16-19 -To not put the Lord your God to the test
Exodus 17:1-7 -Israel tempts God at Meribah

Luke 4:13 -Left until an opportune time
Mark 1:4-11 -Jesus’ baptism immediately before fasting in desert
We see that Satan is good at what he does. He waited to tempt Christ until he was sure Christ was hungry. When he was rebuffed, he left “for a season” and awaited further opportunities. We also see that this temptation comes immediately after Christ’s baptism. Just as he did for the Lord, he does for us: awaiting times when we are weak, looking for opportune times, and expending special effort after we flee him and obey Christ.
Genesis 4:7 -Sin is crouching at the door
I Corinthians 10:12-13 -Take heed, lest we fall

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