Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cain and Abel - 1/4/09pm

Genesis 4:1-16

To Be Like Cain
Jude 1-13 -Taken the way of Cain

Angry that unrighteousness isn’t accepted
How often have you seen someone grow angry over the fact that their wrong doing isn’t acceptable to God? How often have you known someone who is set in their sin and unwilling to change, angry that God has said their actions are wrong?
Mark 10:17-22 -Rich young ruler
I Corinthians 6:9-20 -Such were some of you

Anger towards brother
Cain, instead of reacting as he should have, grew unjustly angry with his brother. In his anger, he killed his brother. How often do we lose our tempers and grow angry as Cain did?
I John 3:11-15 -Love the brethren, don’t murder like Cain
Matthew 5:21-26 -Anger and murder
Romans 13:8-10 -Love instead of kill

Anger towards punishment
For his sin, Cain was punished. And even though there was mercy in that punishment, and even though it was earned, he was unhappy with the severity of it. We must accept the consequences for our actions. Instead of becoming angry over them, let us use them to spur us on to perfection.
Hebrews 12:7-13 -Endure hardship has discipline

To Be Like Abel

Proper sacrifice
Abel offered a sacrifice that was pleasing to God. Do we?
Hebrews 11:4 -Abel’s sacrifice
Romans 11:28-12:2 -Present yourself as a sacrifice

Proper example
Abel set us a proper example. He was faithful to the Lord, even to the point of death. Do we set good examples for others? Do we follow the good examples in scripture?
I Timothy 3:1-11 -Good reputation of elders, deacons, and wives
I Timothy 4:11-14 -Set a good example
I Corinthians 11:1 -Follow Paul’s example as he follows Christ

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