Sunday, May 25, 2008

Judas Iscariot - 5/25/08pm

His Background
Some of the apostles are well described in the scriptures. Judas is not. Very little is known of Judas before he began following Christ.
His surname, Iscariot, seems to indicate he was not from Galilee, but was of the tribe of Judah (as was Jesus)
It is often thought that he was first a disciple of John the baptist. Other people conjecture that he met Jesus while he went through Judea, as in John 3:22.
It is worth noting that great care is taken in the Bible to differentiate him from the other Judases and Judes. Even then, people didn’t want to be mistaken for him. Surely no one today would name their son Judas!

He was one of Christ’s first disciples
Mark 3:13-19 -The 12 apostles
Luke 9:1-6 -Mission of the 12, which Judas did
Notice: As far as the scriptures show, Judas fulfilled his mission with the other 11 apostles. Also notice that he was not given opportunity to steal and such. He was not, in the beginning, following Christ for gain, but for some other purpose.

If even Judas was one of Christ’s disciples, shouldn’t we be his disciples?
I Peter 2:21 -Follow Christ
A disciple is a follower and learner. It is not someone who simply claims to follow someone, but who dedicates himself to learning and following the instructions of a teacher.

He remained with Christ for years
We know that Judas followed Christ for about 3 years. He didn’t begin following Christ and then immediately betray him.

John 13:21-27a -Judas was apparently located close to Christ
John 18:2 -Had often been with Christ and the disciples
Matthew 19:27-30 -Judas included: apparently he was faithful at this time
Luke 18:31-34 -Disciples (incl. Judas) don’t understand what Christ is saying about His death

Are we willing to follow Christ for years?
Matthew 10:22 -Stand firm to the end
Romans 15:23 -Paul’s plans and wants in Christ’s service covered years between when he wanted to do something and when it was accomplished

Judas slowly gave in to sin, a little at a time
In Luke 9, which we mentioned earlier, there was not much opportunity for Judas to steal, but once he had opportunity, he sinned.
John 12:4-6 -Judas stealing from Christ and the apostles
Matthew 26:14-16 -Judas sought opportunity to sin
Luke 22:1-6 -Agrees to betray Christ for 30 pieces of silver
Judas went from not sinning to sinning “a little,” to sinning “a lot.”

How often do we do the same thing?
I Corinthians 5:6 -A little leaven…

Also, was Judas tempted past what he could handle? Did Jesus give him the treasury (John 13:27b-30) so that he would be unable to resist sin? Of course not!
I Corinthians 10:13 -Not be tempted beyond what we are able

Judas betrayed Christ
Mark 14:43-45 -Judas betrays Christ
For this action, Judas became one of the most despised men in the history of the world. Yet, do we not do the same thing?
Hebrews 6:4-6 -Crucify Christ again through our sin
When we sin, we betray Christ. When we sin, we do the same as Judas did! Is this what you want to be faced with at judgment day? A betrayal of God’s son?

Judas lacked Godly sorrow
Matthew 27:3-10 -Judas was remorseful, but not properly so. The result…
Matthew 26:24 -was that it would have been better to never been born.

At no time do the scriptures even begin to imply that Judas could not have properly repented of his sin and turned back to God and Christ.
II Corinthians 7:10-13 -Godly sorrow leads to repentance

When we betray Christ, what do we do? Do we make it worse like Judas did? Or are we filled with Godly sorrow, repent, and turn back to God? Will we follow in the footsteps of Judas by following Christ for a little while, and ending it in betrayal? Or will we repent of our sins and truly be Christ’s disciples until the end?

A Stranger in a Strange Land - 5/25/08am

Exodus 1:1-14 -Israelites living in captivity, not own land
From the beginning, Moses was in a strange land. He did not begin life in a homeland, but rather, a stranger in captivity.
Exodus 2:1-10 -Moses taken into Pharaoh’s household
We see that not only was he born while his people were in captivity, but that he was taken as a stranger into a strange family.
Exodus 2:11-22 -Left Egypt for Midian
Once again , we see Moses leaving for a strange land.
Exodus 4:18-20 -Moses returns to Egypt
In the account, Moses is treated poorly by both Pharaoh and the other Israelites (Exodus 5:19-21). After the plagues and after leaving Egypt, we know that Moses received the Law at Mt. Sinai. We know that God provided for the people, and that the people failed in their faith when they spied out Canaan. As a result, they wandered for forty years.
Deuteronomy 34:1-8 -Moses dies without ever coming home
Moses never made it home, he lived his entire life as a stranger in a strange land.
Hebrews 11:24-29 -By faith, Moses looked ahead to his reward
Hebrews 11:13-16 -These people looked for a heavenly home
Consider that Moses was never at home. His entire life was spent in strange lands, and he died seeing, but never making it to, the promised land where his home was.

Our Home
Philippians 3:20-21 -Our citizenship is in heaven
II Corinthians 5:1-10 -Away from God while in the body, longing for our heavenly dwelling
I Peter 1:1 -
I Peter 1:17 -As aliens and strangers in the world
I Peter 2:9-12 -
Are we living as strangers here on earth? It is something that will be uncomfortable, to be sure. There are aspects of it that we often don’t like to think about or try to brush over.
-As strangers, do we feel uncomfortable around the things of this world? Does it make us uncomfortable to be around worldliness in speech, entertainment, and such things? (Jeremiah 6:13-15)
-Are we actually separate from those around us? Are we actually strangers? Or are we trying to blend in? (II Corinthians 6:14-18)
-As strangers, do we try to live at peace with others, even though we are different? (Romans 12:18)
-As strangers, are we seeking our home? Or have we decided that where we are is good enough? (Matthew 13:44)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Lord is in His Holy Temple - 5/18/08pm

Habakkuk 2:18-20

This is a short passage, and one of the shortest songs in our songbooks is based on this passage. It is a passage we are probably at least somewhat familiar with, but probably have not spent a great deal of time on. However, there are at least three concepts that are worth focusing on in these short few verses.

Worthlessness of Idolatry
The prophet begins this passage by discussing the pointlessness and worthlessness of idols and of idolatry.
Isaiah 44:12-20 -Folly of making idols
Zechariah 10:1-2 -Idols speak delusions, lies, false dreams, etc.
Let our attitude be as that of David!
Psalm 31:6 -Hated regard for useless idols
In the New Testament, this disregard for idols remains.
I Corinthians 8:4-6 -An idol is nothing

The Contrast of the True God with False Gods
And of course, the power and importance of idols is nothing in comparison to that of the True, Living God.
I Samuel 5:1-5 -Dagon falls before the ark
Exodus 32:1-6, 19-20 -The golden calf
Exodus 34:29-35 -Moses’ face after speaking to God
Compare the two: the golden calf which was easily destroyed and consumed, and the God who, just by speaking to Moses, left His mark. Could the golden calf have done this? One was constructed by man and immobile, the other was active.
Genesis 31:19-30 -Rachel stole Laban’s gods
Compare the two: the active Lord, who spoke who Laban and the gods who were stolen and hidden. One could not be hidden, one was active and powerful. The other could not prevent itself from being taken.

Reverence for God
This passage also tells us to keep silence before God. The concept here is one of reverent respect. It is one of being so in awe of Him that we are speechless.
Nehemiah 8:1-6 -The people stand for respect of God’s word
Let us consider why we should have this reverence for God:
Isaiah 55:8-9 -God’s ways are higher than ours
Job 40:6-42:6 -God describes His power to Job

Have we put away worthless idols? Have we put away those things that we have placed as being more important than God? We have looked today at the power and majesty of God, compared with all other things in this world. Will you show the proper reverence for the Almighty in your life?

Flee and Pursue - 5/18/2008am

II Timothy 2:22

These are two extremes. It’s not possible to straddle a fence. If you’re trying to straddle the fence, you’re already on the wrong side. These are two polar opposites. Anytime we move towards one, we move away from the other.
Luke 16:13 -You cannot serve God and mammon

What we are to flee:
Galatians 5:19-21 -Works of the flesh

Sexual Sin - Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lewdness
These include not only sexual relations we have no right to, those outside of marriage, but other sexual sins. Pornography, immodesty, and our general conduct.
Matthew 5:27-30 -Looking with lust in your heart
I Corinthians 6:12-20 -United with a harlot, sin against self, the temple
Galatians 5:13 -Allow no opportunity for the flesh

Sin Against God - Idolatry, Sorcery
These, and things like them, are the putting of something ahead of God. They are making something else out to be greater than He, and doing so is obviously wrong. Whether in overtly making an idol (or making something our top priority), or in practicing a religion that denies God’s power, we sin.
II Corinthians 4: 3-6 -The god of this age vs. God

Sin Against Others - Hatred, Contentions, Jealousies, Outbursts of Wrath, Selfish Ambitions, Dissentions, Heresies, Envy, Murders
These are sins we commit against others. Some affect others mostly in this life (hatred, jealousy), and some can have a great effect on people’s souls (dissentions, heresies). We must be sure we are not committing any of these!
Matthew 5:21-24 -Murder & anger
Romans 16:17-18 -Avoid contentious people
Galatians 1:6-9 -Turning away to another gospel

Abuse of Ourselves - Drunkenness, Revelries
God created us. When we commit sins that abuse our bodies as well as our souls, God is displeased. When we partake of something that damages our bodies, we have set out to damage that which God has created for His service.
Proverbs 23:21 -Gluttony and drunkenness
Romans 13:13-14 -Opposite of behaving decently

“And the like.” This list is not all inclusive. Like other lists in scripture detailing what to avoid, it gives a general idea of what is wrong. Things that are similar to what is listed should be avoided! We must flee!

What we are to pursue:
Galatians 5:22-23 -Fruit of the spirit

Matthew 22:34-40 -The greatest commandments
This love is a love that requires action. It is a matter of always putting the good of others ahead of yourself. It is a matter of always putting God’s will first.

I Thessalonians 5:16 -Rejoice always
Are we truly happy in Christ? Do we rejoice in our salvation and at opportunities to do good? Do people around see our joy in serving Christ?

Philippians 4:7 -The peace of God
In Christ we can have an internal peace great than any other we can know: the peace of knowing we are secure. We can only have that peace if we follow Him diligently.

II Peter 3:9 -God’s example of longsuffering towards us
God is patient and longsuffering towards us. We need to exercise the same patience and longsuffering towards others.

Galatians 6:10 -Do good to all men
Do we seek out opportunities to help others? There are always people around us who need help, not just physically, by spiritually. We must be kind and caring.

Romans 15:14 -Paul recognized the goodness in others
Obviously, the opposite of “badness.” God is the epitome of goodness. We must strive after Him, following His example, and it will be seen by others.

Revelation 2:10 -Be faithful unto death
We must aim to be faithful. Completely faithful. Not just when it’s easy, but when it’s hard. We must always put our trust in Christ, and keep close to Him.
Titus 3:1-2 -Not brawlers, but gentle and meek
The idea of being gentle is that of carefulness. When someone hands you something fragile and says “be gentle,” we understand that we must take care with how much force and strength we apply.

Titus 2:12 -Self control is set opposite to “worldly passions”
We must be self controlled. We must strive to not be ruled by emotions or desires. We must aim to control ourselves that we can better follow Christ.

Each has it’s own outcome. If we pursue youthful lusts and the works of the flesh, the outcome is that we do not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:21). Salvation does not lie in that direction. But rather, eternal condemnation. The other direction, pursuing righteousness and the fruits of the spirit leads us to be Christ’s (Galatians 5:24).

Which are you pursuing?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wisdom - 5/11/08am

There’s a number of subjects that come up that almost always result in someone saying something like, “It’s obviously not wise, but the Bible doesn’t say it’s wrong, so we can do it!” The implication is that God finds it acceptable for those of us who claim to follow Him to make unwise spiritual decisions, is it not?

I would like to take a few moments and look at what God truly thinks of these “unwise, but acceptable” decisions.

First, let us consider what sort of wisdom we are NOT speaking of.

Worldly Wisdom
Vain philosophies, wrong thinking, and “wisdom” that contradicts what God says.
I Corinthians 1:17-20 God’s will contrasted with worldly wisdom
I Corinthians 2:-9 The wisdom of this world, compared with God’s wisdom
James 3:13-15 Worldly wisdom contrasted with Godly wisdom
Ecclesiastes 11:12-18 Solomon writes that worldly wisdom is vain

Proverbs 1:7 Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom
Proverbs 9:10 Fear of God is the start of wisdom

I Kings 3:5-15 Solomon asks for and receives wisdom
God is pleased
I Kings 11:1-13 Solomon fails to follow wisdom, and the kingdom is taken
Which aspect of Solomon do you follow in your life?
Proverbs 8:10-11 Wisdom is more important than riches, even Solomon’s riches

How do we get wisdom?
Proverbs 4:7 Get wisdom
Example - Paul
II Peter 3:15 Paul was given wisdom by God
Example - Timothy
II Timothy 3:14-17 Knowledge of scripture leads to wisdom
Scripture is given by God
Proverbs 10:13-14 Knowledge and wisdom go together
Proverbs 2:6 God gives wisdom
James 3:17 We should pray for wisdom

Following After Christ
Matthew 7:23-27 Christ grew in wisdom, should we not follow His example?

Proverbs 7:4 Wisdom should be held close to us, and be important
Proverbs 10:23 Wisdom should be what we want and enjoy

Acts 6:17 The seven are chosen, with wisdom being a criteria
Psalm 19:7 God’s word makes the simple to be wise
Matthew 6:33 Seek first the kingdom
If we are not pursuing wisdom, and course God wants for us, are we truly seeking Him first?

Scripture clearly teaches that we must be wise. Are we willing to follow Christ, and live wisely? Or will we continue using the excuse, “it’s ok, just unwise?” Will we continue to exercise our will over God’s will? If we do so, can we really be claiming to follow Christ?

And finally, one last verse to consider:

Ephesians 5:15-17 Walk Wisely, redeeming the time

We are redeeming God’s time. Are we using it wisely? Or will God be unhappy with how we are using it? Our lives are not our own. Our time is not our own. We are redeeming the time one way or another. Are we redeeming it wisely, as God wants? Are we wisely understanding God’s Will? Or do we ignore God in this matter and exercise our own will over His? Will God find our wisdom acceptable? Are you, in fact, walking wisely redeeming the time?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Conversion - 5/4/08pm

Romans 12:2

The word “conversion” means a change. When you convert something, you change it from what it was, and into something else. It is a transformation. It is an altering of the state of existence. We often speak of someone being converted to Christ. What does this mean? What is this conversion? We will focus less today on how this conversion is brought about, and more on how the person coming to Christ is changed.

Ephesians 2:1-5 -From Dead to Alive
Romans 6:1-14 -From Dead to Alive
Colossians 2:13-15 -From Dead to Alive
Once we were dead in sin. Our souls were dead, and would remain so. With Christ, our souls are brought alive, and can spend eternity alive. What a difference this is! A difference that will last for all eternity! The status of our eternal soul is completely reversed in converting.

II Corinthians 5:16-17 -From Old to New
Ephesians 4:20-28 -From Old to New
Galatians 6:12-16 -From Old to New
We put off the old man. We put it behind us. All that we have done, believed, thought, and been is no longer who we are. Converting to Christ is so complete, we cannot be considered the same creature that we once were! It is so all-encompassing that we are as something new!

Romans 6:15-23 -From Slavery to Freedom
None of us wish to be a slave. None of us want to be held in bondage to sin. Through Christ we have freedom from it. Think about it: no longer will we allow sin to hold power over our souls. No longer will we be bound by this world, but rather, following Christ, we can have true freedom.

I Corinthians 6:9-11 -From Wicked to Sanctified
II Peter 1:5-9 -From Sins to Cleansed
Once, we were all sinful and wicked, and lived evil lives. Yet now, through Christ, we can be cleaned of our sins and made holy. While once we were separated from God through our sinful deeds, God has given us the opportunity to be cleansed and set apart for service to Him.

I Peter 4:1-4 -From Serving Earthly Desires to Serving God’s Will
Look around you as you go through your daily life, and you’ll see many people serving the desires of this world. Greed, lust, anger… How much better to serve God’s will? Instead of serving the baser things, we can dedicate ourselves to the higher things of love and truth. What a change in our lives!

Romans 5:10-11 -From Christ’s Enemies to Reconciled to Him
Which would you rather be? Do you want to be included among the Almighty’s enemies? Would you like to set yourself opposed to the Creator? In converting, we are reconciled to Him. No longer will we be His enemies, but His friends. What a beautiful conversion in our lives!

Matthew 18:1-4 -From Proud to Humble
God does not like pride. Yet, in refusing to submit ourselves to Him, we show ultimate pride. In doing so, we neglect to give God, who created all, His proper due. In converting to following Christ, we make ourselves humble. We recognize out rightful place in things, and live accordingly.

II Corinthians 3:18 -From Unlike Christ to Christ’s Likeness
What a glorious change this is! When we convert, we take on the aspect of Christ. As we go through life, others should be able to see Christ living in us.

II Peter 2:20-22 -From Corruption to Knowing Christ
It is striking how these two things are put opposed to each other, is it not? Yet when we come to know Christ through the word, and we convert, do we not escape corruption?

Galatians 3:12-16 -From Children to Heirs
To inherit, you must be an heir. To be an heir of Christ’s kingdom, you must convert. There is a change to being an heir. It is only then that you can have a hope of Heaven and righteousness.

James 5:19-20 -From Sinful to having our sins Covered Over
When we live before converting, we are sinful. We are full of a multitude of sins. Yet, when we convert to Christ, all of those sins are covered over and put behind us. They no longer are held against our souls.

So have you converted? If you have not obeyed His will and been baptized into His body, then you have not. You are not converted, and are still in the “before” category.

Or maybe you’ve been baptized, but are realizing that the “before” category describes your life better than the “after” category? Have you completed the conversion? Some of these truly take time and effort. Are you working on them?

Have you truly and completely converted?

To Fall into the Hands of the Living God - 5/4/08am

Exodus 20:4-5 -The Lord is a jealous God
Hebrews 10:31 -A terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God

God does not change
Many seek to make a differentiation between the “God of the Old Testament” and the “God of the New Testament.” I say that this is not so. The same God that lives today is the same God that lived in the time of Abraham. And what He detested then, He detests now. As He kept promises then, He keeps promises now.
Malachi 3:6 -God does not change
Hebrews 13:8 -Jesus is always the same
James 1:17 -There is no variation with God

Examples of God’s punishment
Let us look at passages in the Bible, and see how God deals with those who oppose Him and fail to serve Him as they should!
Genesis 6:1-7 -God repents of having made man
Genesis 18:20-33 -How many righteous men in Sodom?
Genesis 19:15-25 -God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah
Genesis 38:7 -God kills Er for being wicked
Leviticus 10:1-2 -Nadab and Abihu offer strange fire
Numbers 16:16-35 -God destroys Korah’s rebellion
Numbers 16:41-50 -God destroys those who murmur about Korah’s death
II Samuel 6:6-7 -God smites Uzzah
II Samuel 24:10-17 -God kills 70,000 for David’s sin
II Kings 1:9-12 -God kills those who seek to capture Elijah
II Kings 2:23-25 -God kills the mocking youths
And just so that no one thinks it is only in the Old Testament:
Acts 5:1-11 -Ananias and Sapphira

Promises of God’s punishment
God does not change. He is the same God as when He performed all these punishments. And what we have today is the same promise: punishment for sin.
Luke 12:4-5 -Fear He who can cast you into hell
Mark 9:42-48 -Hell, where the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched
Revelation 20:11-15 -The lake of fire, which is the second death
II Thessalonians 1:3-10 -Punishment for those who do not obey or know the gospel
Are you in danger of God’s wrath and punishment? Will you not now repent and put away your sin, that you can avoid it? Will you not come to know Christ, and to obey the gospel in baptism?