Friday, November 28, 2008

Are You a Leper? - 11/30/08pm

Physical Leprosy in the OT
As we look in the Old Testament, we see various regulations given regarding leprosy. This is not always leprosy as we know it today, but encompassed a wide variety of skin diseases which made the afflicted person unclean.
Leviticus 13:1-11 -Laws regarding leprosy
Leviticus 13:40-46 -Laws regarding leprosy, put outside the camp

Christ Heals Lepers
In the New Testament, we see Jesus Christ healing men with leprosy. This provides a sign of His power and evidence that He is who He says He is. It also, as we will see, serves as a physical reminder that Christ can heal not only physically, but spiritually.
Matthew 11:1-6 -Jesus heals conspicuously and visibly heals lepers
Mark 1:40-45 -Jesus heals a leper
Luke 17:11-19 -The ten lepers healed by Christ

Apostles told to Go
The apostles are sent out to Israel, and one of the things they are to do is to heal lepers. Is this not what we are told to do, in a spiritual way, in the great commission in Matthew 28?
Matthew 10:5-10 -Limited commission: heal the lepers

Spiritual Leprosy
Are you spiritually leprous? Sin makes a person unclean in the sight of God. And as it makes us unclean, we need to become clean and pure. We do this by following Christ. Not only into first obedience, but after baptism as well.
II Chronicles 26:16-23 -Uzziah smitten with leprosy for his sin
I Kings 5:1-15 -Naaman
I John 1:7-9 -Jesus cleanses us from sin/unrighteousness
Leviticus 14:1-20 -Israel had to do things after being healed

After a person in Israel was healed, they had to do things even after becoming clean. There were things they were required to do. So it is with us. Are you a spiritual leper? Are you outside the camp of body of the saved? Have you obeyed Christ and been cleansed?

Down in the Pit - 11/30/08am

II Corinthians 4:1-12 -Though oppressed, we do not lose heart or despair

Often we feel discouraged as we strive to follow Christ. Sometimes we despair of our tasks, and we feel as though we are all alone in the bottom of a pit with now way out.

Genesis 37:1-4 -Background of Joseph’s relationship with family
Genesis 37:5-11 -Joseph’s dream of dominion, brother’s reaction
Genesis 37:12-20 -Brothers plot to kill Joseph
Genesis 37:21-22 -Reuben’s Compromise
Genesis 37:23-36 -Consequences of Joseph’s Pride
-Consequences of his brother’s envy
-Consequences of Reuben’s compromise
-Consequences of Jacob’s favoritism
Sometimes we feel like we have been cast into a pit, do we not? We feel as though we are trapped, and that there is no way out of it. We feel cut off from our friends, family, and brethren. We feel as though there are no solutions. And sometimes it is our own prideful fault, is it not? Sometimes it was helped brought about by others, and their actions or compromises. Yet we see that Joseph continued to follow God, and much good was accomplished.
Genesis 45:1-11 -Joseph, as Pharoah’s second, is revealed to his brothers

Jeremiah 38:1-3 -Jeremiah gives an unpleasant pronouncement
Jeremiah 38:4-6 -Jeremiah is oppressed for the message
Jeremiah 38:7-13 -Jeremiah is rescued from the pit by Ebed-Melech
Sometimes we feel like we are in a pit and alone, because of bringing God’s word, do we not? We feel hopeless, trapped, despondent, and don’t think we’re accomplishing anything. People don’t like the message, so into the pit goes the messenger! Yet, we see that God provided the way out, often from an unexpected direction. Ebed-Melech was not the most likely of people to rescue Jeremiah, yet that’s who rescued Jeremiah.

Psalm 40:1-5 -Praise for God for His deliverance
Psalm 40:6-8 -Obedience required - looking ahead to Christ
Psalm 40:9-10 -Proclaimed God’s greatness
Psalm 40:11-15 -Asking for God’s further deliverance
Psalm 40:16-17 -Praise for God, thankfulness for His compassion
David, in this psalm dwells on God’s deliverance. He was not physically in a pit, but like all of us, he often was emotionally. His enemies pursued him, danger awaited him at every turn. Yet we see that through faith, through pursuing righteousness, God provides an escape and delivered David from the “horrible pit.”

Our God can, and will, deliver us. When we are thrown into a pit, whether through our own actions or through the actions of others, God will provide a way out. Even if things seem to get worse, it works for the glory of God if we take it. When we despair, remember this. When we feel that we cannot go on, remember Joseph. Remember Jeremiah. Remember David.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gluttony - 11/23/08pm

Matthew 11:6 -”Give us our daily bread”

In Christ’s example prayer, we see an example of what we should want: our daily bread. He is focused on what we need, and no more. As is reiterated in other passages (Proverbs 30:8-9), we should be willing to limit ourselves, our consumption, and our appetites. Anything else is gluttony.

Gluttony is obviously a part of our daily culture, and is something we encounter almost every day of our lives. It is something we see often, and I’m afraid we have grown so used to it that it no longer bothers us, and we often engage in it freely. We usually think of gluttony only in dealing with food. But it is entirely possible to be gluttonous in other aspects of life. As will see, the concept of gluttony can easy apply to a wide variety of things. It is well worth our time to see what the Bible has to say about gluttony, then compare it with our own lives.

1. Gluttony is opposed by God
A. Under the Old Law
Deuteronomy 21:20 -Stoning of gluttonous children
Exodus 16:15-21 -Gathering too much manna
B. Under the New Law
I Corinthians 10:31 -”Eating” and give glory to God
Colossians 3:1-17 -Guidelines for Christian living
I Peter 2:11-12 -Desires of the flesh
I Peter 4:3-5 -Drinking and feasting
Galatians 5:19-21 -Works of the flesh - feasting/banqueting
If Gluttony is not something that God wants, then obviously it is something we should avoid. We see consistency throughout the Bible regarding gluttony. Now, since we have the blanket statement condemning gluttony, why else is gluttony wrong?

2. Gluttony shows a lack of self control
I Timothy 3:1-5 -Elders to have self control
Titus 2:11-14 -Elders to have self control
II Peter 1:5-9 -Add self control
Galatians 5:22-26 -Fruit of the spirit is self control
Gluttony knows no bounds. People give into gluttony because they lack the will power and self control to stop themselves. We show our godly self control by not becoming gluttons.

3. Gluttony is idolatry
Colossians 3:5 -Greed is idolatry
Philippians 3:18-19 -Their god is their stomach
Anything that comes before God on a person’s priority list becomes an idol. If we give into gluttony, we make our stomach, our appetites, our god. We give power to that god, and we allow that god to guide out lives. Are we really so foolish to let our appetites be what we worship?

4. Gluttony shows a focus on worldly things
Proverbs 23:1-3 -Don’t have a strong desire for food
Proverbs 23:21 -Lovers of feasting come to be needy
Proverbs 28:7 -Company of feasters brings shame to fathers
I Corinthians 6:12-13 -Food for the body, and worldly desires should be less important than serving God
Philippians 4:19 -God will provide what you need
Matthew 6:25-34 -Take no thought for tomorrow
Romans 8:5-8 -Mind on the flesh
A glutton is focused on the things of this world: what he wants now. By giving into the temptation, we remove our sight from God. This is another dangerous aspect of gluttony: by removing our focus from where it should be, it makes it easier to give in to other sins.

5. We should hunger for spiritual food instead!
John 4:27-38
Our focus should be spiritual food, not on the things of this world! If we hunger first and foremost for spiritual food, then it is far easier to withstand the temptations of this life. Instead of weakening, we will find ourselves strengthened. And instead of only being filled for a short time, we will be filled for eternity.

Why Study the Old Testament? - 11/23/08am

Colossians 2:13-15 -OT is nailed to the cross
Ephesians 2:14-16 -OT finished and put side by Christ’s death
Matthew 5:17 -Christ came to fulfill

So, why should we study the Old Testament? What good is there in studying something that has been done away with and is no longer in effect? Let us consult the scriptures!

To Provide Evidence of the Christ, Apostles, Church, and so on
For one thing, the Old Testament provides evidence of who Christ was, what He was teaching, and of His disciples. The Old Testament provides proofs of the Messiah that Christ fulfilled.
Matthew 1:1-17 -Genealogy of Christ - the promises fulfilled, effort taken
Matthew 1:22-23 -That the scriptures might be fulfilled
Acts 2:15-21 -Fulfillment of the prophet Joel

For Examples
As we look through the Old Testament, we can see the examples of how God dealt with various things, the consequences of sin and righteousness, and of the nature of God.
I Corinthians 10:1-13 -These things are examples for us, serve to illuminate God's relationship with man
Hebrews 11:1-3 -Faith
Hebrews 11:4 -Abel’s sacrifice
Hebrews 11:5-6 -Enoch walked with God, was rewarded
Hebrews 11:7-10 -Abraham looked for a city
Hebrews 11:11 -Sara believed the promise
Hebrews 11:12-16 -Looking ahead to a heavenly country
Hebrews 11:17-19 -Abraham put God before family
Hebrews 11:20-22 -These men looked ahead to what was to come without knowing when it would happen
Hebrews 11:23-29 -Moses’ obedience and priorities
Hebrews 11:30 -Jericho fell through “pointless” obedience
Hebrews 11:31 -Rahab’s fear, recognition of God
Hebrews 11:32-38 -The many other examples for us not mentioned here
Hebrews 11:39-40 -They did not see the promise while living
Hebrews 12:1-2 -Cloud of witnesses: they did it, so can we?

Are we willing to follow the righteous examples of these men and women? Are we willing to look ahead to the promise and to walk with God?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Individuals and the Church - 11/16/08pm

Revelation 3:1-6 -Separation of “church” and “certain people”

There exists a great deal of confusion, even among brethren, of the differences between an individual Christian, the local church, and the universal church. To some, there is no distinction whatsoever. And if one person does something, then the church has done so. The result has been to allow more and more things into the church that have no place in it. Let us consider what the Bible says!

What organization?
Let us take a few minutes to look at the difference in the local and universal church, and the place of the individual in both.

The organization of the local church is simple:
Christ is the head
Ephesians 1:19-23 -Christ is the head of the church
Local congregations are to strive for elders and deacons
Titus 1:5-9 -Titus to appoint elders in every church
I Peter 5:1-4 -Elders to shepherd, not lord over the flock
I Timothy 3:8-13 -Deacon qualifications
Acts 6:1-4 -The first “deacons”
The universal church is even more simple
Christ is the head
Colossians 1:13-18 -Christ is the head of the church
The universal church is not made up of local congregations, but of saved believers.
Acts 2:47 -The saved are added to the church

The role of one is not always the role of another
In discipline
Matthew 18:15-17 -From individual to the church
In benevolence
James 1:19-27 -Pure and undefiled religion (individual)
If “visiting” requires building and supplying, then “visiting” those in prison (Matthew 25:36, 39) requires building and supplying
II Corinthians 9:10-15 -Supplying the needs of the saints (church)
Galatians 6:1-10 -Do good to all men (individual)
I Timothy 5:3-16 -Care for widows: individual vs. church
If there’s no separation between individual and church, than when the individual cares for a widow, the church is caring for a widow, which was supposed to be the work of an individual…

In socializing/recreation and “fellowship”
Acts 2:42-47 -Assembling at temple, eating house to house

Salvation is retail, not wholesale
Salvation is based on the individual, not as an organization. Simply meeting as a member of a church of Christ is not sufficient for salvation. We will each be judged on our own, and not as a group. Individuals will be saved.
Ezekiel 18:20-23 -The soul who sins will die, the righteous will not
Ecclesiastes 11:9, 12:13-14 -All actions will be judged
I Peter 1:15-17 -Got judges, not showing favoritism
Revelation 20:11-15 -Judgment according to actions

Heaven and Hell - 11/16/08am

Hebrews 5:12-6:3 -Eternal judgment is a first principle
I Thessalonians 4:13-5:3 -The day of the Lord
II Peter 3:1-13 -The day of the Lord

One Judgment
II Timothy 4:1 -Christ to judge the living and dead
Hebrews 9:27 -Once to die, then the judgment

Judged by our actions
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 -God will judge all actions
Romans 14:10-12 -Give an account at judgment
II Corinthians 5:9-11 -All stand before the judgment seat
Revelation 20:11-13 -Judged by our works

Righteous Judgment
Romans 1:28-32 -Righteous judgment of God

Luke 16:19-31 -The rich man and Lazarus

John 14:1-4 -Mansion has many rooms
Revelation 21:1-22:5 -Figurative description of Heaven’s glory

Mark 9:42-48 -Where the worm doesn’t die, the fire isn’t quenched
II Peter 2:4 -”Chains of darkness”
Jude 6-7 -”Chains under darkness”
Revelation 20:14-15 -Lake of fire

Amos 4:12 -Prepare to meet your God

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Narrow Path - 11/09/08pm

Matthew 7:13-14 -The road to life is narrow, the gate is small

It is well lit…
Psalm 43:3 -Let your light and truth guide me
Psalm 119:105 -God’s word is a lamp and a light
Proverbs 4:18-19 -Shines brighter and brighter
I John 1:5-7 -Walk in the light

But even so, we will stumble on it
John 11:9-10 -If we walk in the light, we will not stumble
James 3:2 -We all stumble
Deuteronomy 27:18 -Cursed is he who leads others astray on the road

It is walked with a guide…
Genesis 5:22-24 -Enoch walked with God
Genesis 6:9 -Noah walked with God
Psalm 48:14 -Our God will guide us
Psalm 73:24 -We are guided by His counsel
I John 2:1-6 -Walk in the light, walk with Christ
Luke 24:13-32 -Jesus walks with two men on he road

And we have others helping us…
Romans 14:13 -Not being a stumbling block
Hebrews 3:13 -Encourage one another
Hebrews 10:24-25 -Considering and encouraging one another

…But we can stray from it
Deuteronomy 5:32 -Do not turn aside to the right or to the left
John 6:66 -Many disciples no longer walk with Christ

If we walk with God now, we will walk with Him in eternity
Revelation 3:1-6 -Those who are pure will walk with Christ

Serving with Little - 11/9/08am

Luke 19:11-27 -Parable of the talents

Often we may think to ourselves, “I could do so much for God if…” But we feel we don’t have enough time. We feel we don’t have the ability. We feel we don’t have the money. We feel we don’t have the resources. We feel are cannot serve as effectively with as little as we each have. “I could help the poor if I have more money.” “I could teach class, but I’m not a good enough teacher.” “ I could study more, but I don’t have the time.” Yet let us look in the Bible to see if we truly need more in order to be effective servants of God.

Moses made excuses to God based largely on his own abilities. Whether or not he felt they were valid reasons, they were each rejected by God as such. Do we make the same excuses? “I need more talent/skill/ability!”
Exodus 3:10-12 -Who am I?
Exodus 4:1-9 -What if I’m not persuasive enough?
Exodus 4:10-17 -Slow of speech and tongue, need help

So often in the book of Judges, the judges of Israel simply used what was at hand. Often it was not what we would think of as ideal, yet with the Lord’s help, it was more than sufficient. How often do we complain that we have too few resources, and that they’re the wrong kind?
Judges 3:12-20 -Ehud is left handed, makes it work for him
Judges 3:21 -Shamgar had an ox-goad (pointy stick)
Judges 15:14-17 -Samson slays 1000 with a donkey’s jawbone

If only we had more money! Ruth gleaned the fields behind the harvesters in order to eat. None of us are in that position, yet Ruth was noticed for her virtue and uprightness. She served God, even without earthly wealth.
Ruth 2:1-12 -Ruth left home, was poor, yet was virtuous

When David stood against Goliath, what was he equipped with? Not what we would expect! And yet, it was enough, with God.
I Samuel 17:38-39 -Saul tries to let David have armor
I Samuel 17:43-51 -David slays Goliath with a stone

When the apostles are sent out by Christ to teach to Israel, they are specifically limited in what they can take with them. The point was made that they didn’t need great resources, but that with God, much could be accomplished without wealth and supplies.
Matthew 10:5-15 -The twelve are sent out…without supplies

In Christ, as always, we have our ultimate example. We look at His example and see many things that were not given to Him, as they are to us. Yet He served the Lord wholeheartedly, and accomplished much.
John 4:44 -A prophet is without honor in his own country
John 7:5 -His brothers did not believe in Him
Luke 9:58 -The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vanity of Vanities - 11/2/08pm

I Kings 3:1-14 -Given wisdom, riches, and power

Life’s Repetitions
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 -Life, by itself, is vain and repetitious
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 -A time for every purpose

Vanity of Earthly Wisdom
Ecclesiastes 1:12-18 -Vanity of wisdom
Ecclesiastes 2:12-16 -The end of the fool and the wise is the same

Vanity of Pleasure and Fun
Ecclesiastes 2:1-3 -Vanity of pleasure, laughter, and mirth
Ecclesiastes 2:9-11 -There is no profit in it

Vanity of Work and Profit
Ecclesiastes 5:9-6:2 -Do we get to keep what we earn?

Why are these things vain?
Ecclesiastes 9:1-12 -All perish and die
You will not be remembered for wisdom
Your pleasure will have been pointless
You cannot take your wealth with you

Things that have some value
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 -A close friend
Ecclesiastes 7:1 -A good name
Ecclesiastes 9:13-10:4 -Wisdom is better than folly

The Conclusion
Ecclesiastes 11:9-10 -Do as you will, but there will be consequences
Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 -Remember the Lord while you still can
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 -Fear God and keep His commandments
Matthew 22:35-40 -Love the Lord

God Has a Plan For You - 11/2/08am

God has a plan. He has diligently worked to keep this plan operational and successful. He set up this plan for you. And he set up this plan for me. He set up this plan for every individual who has ever lived, is living, and will ever live. He has done amazing things to preserve and carry out this plan. Will be willing to accept it?

I Timothy 1:15 -To save sinners
Matthew 18:11 -Seek and save the lost

Genesis 3:14-15 -1st prophecy of Christ, immediately after sin enters world (the why)
Genesis 12:1-3 -Seed promise to Abraham
Isaiah 11:1-5 -Branch of Jesse
II Samuel 7:12-16 -A king of David’s line
Matthew 1:1-16 -The lineage of Christ

Isaiah 53:1-12 -The man of sorrows
Mark 15:22-37 -The crucifixion
Matthew 28:1-7 -He is risen
Hebrews 10:1-4 -The law was a shadow, sacrifices

Galatians 4:4-5 -The fullness of time
John 7:1-9 -Time had not yet come
John 17:1-5 -The time had come

Acts 17:30 -Repent
Acts 22:16 -Baptism and confession