Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gluttony - 11/23/08pm

Matthew 11:6 -”Give us our daily bread”

In Christ’s example prayer, we see an example of what we should want: our daily bread. He is focused on what we need, and no more. As is reiterated in other passages (Proverbs 30:8-9), we should be willing to limit ourselves, our consumption, and our appetites. Anything else is gluttony.

Gluttony is obviously a part of our daily culture, and is something we encounter almost every day of our lives. It is something we see often, and I’m afraid we have grown so used to it that it no longer bothers us, and we often engage in it freely. We usually think of gluttony only in dealing with food. But it is entirely possible to be gluttonous in other aspects of life. As will see, the concept of gluttony can easy apply to a wide variety of things. It is well worth our time to see what the Bible has to say about gluttony, then compare it with our own lives.

1. Gluttony is opposed by God
A. Under the Old Law
Deuteronomy 21:20 -Stoning of gluttonous children
Exodus 16:15-21 -Gathering too much manna
B. Under the New Law
I Corinthians 10:31 -”Eating” and give glory to God
Colossians 3:1-17 -Guidelines for Christian living
I Peter 2:11-12 -Desires of the flesh
I Peter 4:3-5 -Drinking and feasting
Galatians 5:19-21 -Works of the flesh - feasting/banqueting
If Gluttony is not something that God wants, then obviously it is something we should avoid. We see consistency throughout the Bible regarding gluttony. Now, since we have the blanket statement condemning gluttony, why else is gluttony wrong?

2. Gluttony shows a lack of self control
I Timothy 3:1-5 -Elders to have self control
Titus 2:11-14 -Elders to have self control
II Peter 1:5-9 -Add self control
Galatians 5:22-26 -Fruit of the spirit is self control
Gluttony knows no bounds. People give into gluttony because they lack the will power and self control to stop themselves. We show our godly self control by not becoming gluttons.

3. Gluttony is idolatry
Colossians 3:5 -Greed is idolatry
Philippians 3:18-19 -Their god is their stomach
Anything that comes before God on a person’s priority list becomes an idol. If we give into gluttony, we make our stomach, our appetites, our god. We give power to that god, and we allow that god to guide out lives. Are we really so foolish to let our appetites be what we worship?

4. Gluttony shows a focus on worldly things
Proverbs 23:1-3 -Don’t have a strong desire for food
Proverbs 23:21 -Lovers of feasting come to be needy
Proverbs 28:7 -Company of feasters brings shame to fathers
I Corinthians 6:12-13 -Food for the body, and worldly desires should be less important than serving God
Philippians 4:19 -God will provide what you need
Matthew 6:25-34 -Take no thought for tomorrow
Romans 8:5-8 -Mind on the flesh
A glutton is focused on the things of this world: what he wants now. By giving into the temptation, we remove our sight from God. This is another dangerous aspect of gluttony: by removing our focus from where it should be, it makes it easier to give in to other sins.

5. We should hunger for spiritual food instead!
John 4:27-38
Our focus should be spiritual food, not on the things of this world! If we hunger first and foremost for spiritual food, then it is far easier to withstand the temptations of this life. Instead of weakening, we will find ourselves strengthened. And instead of only being filled for a short time, we will be filled for eternity.

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