Sunday, May 18, 2008

Flee and Pursue - 5/18/2008am

II Timothy 2:22

These are two extremes. It’s not possible to straddle a fence. If you’re trying to straddle the fence, you’re already on the wrong side. These are two polar opposites. Anytime we move towards one, we move away from the other.
Luke 16:13 -You cannot serve God and mammon

What we are to flee:
Galatians 5:19-21 -Works of the flesh

Sexual Sin - Adultery, Fornication, Uncleanness, Lewdness
These include not only sexual relations we have no right to, those outside of marriage, but other sexual sins. Pornography, immodesty, and our general conduct.
Matthew 5:27-30 -Looking with lust in your heart
I Corinthians 6:12-20 -United with a harlot, sin against self, the temple
Galatians 5:13 -Allow no opportunity for the flesh

Sin Against God - Idolatry, Sorcery
These, and things like them, are the putting of something ahead of God. They are making something else out to be greater than He, and doing so is obviously wrong. Whether in overtly making an idol (or making something our top priority), or in practicing a religion that denies God’s power, we sin.
II Corinthians 4: 3-6 -The god of this age vs. God

Sin Against Others - Hatred, Contentions, Jealousies, Outbursts of Wrath, Selfish Ambitions, Dissentions, Heresies, Envy, Murders
These are sins we commit against others. Some affect others mostly in this life (hatred, jealousy), and some can have a great effect on people’s souls (dissentions, heresies). We must be sure we are not committing any of these!
Matthew 5:21-24 -Murder & anger
Romans 16:17-18 -Avoid contentious people
Galatians 1:6-9 -Turning away to another gospel

Abuse of Ourselves - Drunkenness, Revelries
God created us. When we commit sins that abuse our bodies as well as our souls, God is displeased. When we partake of something that damages our bodies, we have set out to damage that which God has created for His service.
Proverbs 23:21 -Gluttony and drunkenness
Romans 13:13-14 -Opposite of behaving decently

“And the like.” This list is not all inclusive. Like other lists in scripture detailing what to avoid, it gives a general idea of what is wrong. Things that are similar to what is listed should be avoided! We must flee!

What we are to pursue:
Galatians 5:22-23 -Fruit of the spirit

Matthew 22:34-40 -The greatest commandments
This love is a love that requires action. It is a matter of always putting the good of others ahead of yourself. It is a matter of always putting God’s will first.

I Thessalonians 5:16 -Rejoice always
Are we truly happy in Christ? Do we rejoice in our salvation and at opportunities to do good? Do people around see our joy in serving Christ?

Philippians 4:7 -The peace of God
In Christ we can have an internal peace great than any other we can know: the peace of knowing we are secure. We can only have that peace if we follow Him diligently.

II Peter 3:9 -God’s example of longsuffering towards us
God is patient and longsuffering towards us. We need to exercise the same patience and longsuffering towards others.

Galatians 6:10 -Do good to all men
Do we seek out opportunities to help others? There are always people around us who need help, not just physically, by spiritually. We must be kind and caring.

Romans 15:14 -Paul recognized the goodness in others
Obviously, the opposite of “badness.” God is the epitome of goodness. We must strive after Him, following His example, and it will be seen by others.

Revelation 2:10 -Be faithful unto death
We must aim to be faithful. Completely faithful. Not just when it’s easy, but when it’s hard. We must always put our trust in Christ, and keep close to Him.
Titus 3:1-2 -Not brawlers, but gentle and meek
The idea of being gentle is that of carefulness. When someone hands you something fragile and says “be gentle,” we understand that we must take care with how much force and strength we apply.

Titus 2:12 -Self control is set opposite to “worldly passions”
We must be self controlled. We must strive to not be ruled by emotions or desires. We must aim to control ourselves that we can better follow Christ.

Each has it’s own outcome. If we pursue youthful lusts and the works of the flesh, the outcome is that we do not inherit the kingdom of God (Galatians 5:21). Salvation does not lie in that direction. But rather, eternal condemnation. The other direction, pursuing righteousness and the fruits of the spirit leads us to be Christ’s (Galatians 5:24).

Which are you pursuing?

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