Sunday, May 4, 2008

Conversion - 5/4/08pm

Romans 12:2

The word “conversion” means a change. When you convert something, you change it from what it was, and into something else. It is a transformation. It is an altering of the state of existence. We often speak of someone being converted to Christ. What does this mean? What is this conversion? We will focus less today on how this conversion is brought about, and more on how the person coming to Christ is changed.

Ephesians 2:1-5 -From Dead to Alive
Romans 6:1-14 -From Dead to Alive
Colossians 2:13-15 -From Dead to Alive
Once we were dead in sin. Our souls were dead, and would remain so. With Christ, our souls are brought alive, and can spend eternity alive. What a difference this is! A difference that will last for all eternity! The status of our eternal soul is completely reversed in converting.

II Corinthians 5:16-17 -From Old to New
Ephesians 4:20-28 -From Old to New
Galatians 6:12-16 -From Old to New
We put off the old man. We put it behind us. All that we have done, believed, thought, and been is no longer who we are. Converting to Christ is so complete, we cannot be considered the same creature that we once were! It is so all-encompassing that we are as something new!

Romans 6:15-23 -From Slavery to Freedom
None of us wish to be a slave. None of us want to be held in bondage to sin. Through Christ we have freedom from it. Think about it: no longer will we allow sin to hold power over our souls. No longer will we be bound by this world, but rather, following Christ, we can have true freedom.

I Corinthians 6:9-11 -From Wicked to Sanctified
II Peter 1:5-9 -From Sins to Cleansed
Once, we were all sinful and wicked, and lived evil lives. Yet now, through Christ, we can be cleaned of our sins and made holy. While once we were separated from God through our sinful deeds, God has given us the opportunity to be cleansed and set apart for service to Him.

I Peter 4:1-4 -From Serving Earthly Desires to Serving God’s Will
Look around you as you go through your daily life, and you’ll see many people serving the desires of this world. Greed, lust, anger… How much better to serve God’s will? Instead of serving the baser things, we can dedicate ourselves to the higher things of love and truth. What a change in our lives!

Romans 5:10-11 -From Christ’s Enemies to Reconciled to Him
Which would you rather be? Do you want to be included among the Almighty’s enemies? Would you like to set yourself opposed to the Creator? In converting, we are reconciled to Him. No longer will we be His enemies, but His friends. What a beautiful conversion in our lives!

Matthew 18:1-4 -From Proud to Humble
God does not like pride. Yet, in refusing to submit ourselves to Him, we show ultimate pride. In doing so, we neglect to give God, who created all, His proper due. In converting to following Christ, we make ourselves humble. We recognize out rightful place in things, and live accordingly.

II Corinthians 3:18 -From Unlike Christ to Christ’s Likeness
What a glorious change this is! When we convert, we take on the aspect of Christ. As we go through life, others should be able to see Christ living in us.

II Peter 2:20-22 -From Corruption to Knowing Christ
It is striking how these two things are put opposed to each other, is it not? Yet when we come to know Christ through the word, and we convert, do we not escape corruption?

Galatians 3:12-16 -From Children to Heirs
To inherit, you must be an heir. To be an heir of Christ’s kingdom, you must convert. There is a change to being an heir. It is only then that you can have a hope of Heaven and righteousness.

James 5:19-20 -From Sinful to having our sins Covered Over
When we live before converting, we are sinful. We are full of a multitude of sins. Yet, when we convert to Christ, all of those sins are covered over and put behind us. They no longer are held against our souls.

So have you converted? If you have not obeyed His will and been baptized into His body, then you have not. You are not converted, and are still in the “before” category.

Or maybe you’ve been baptized, but are realizing that the “before” category describes your life better than the “after” category? Have you completed the conversion? Some of these truly take time and effort. Are you working on them?

Have you truly and completely converted?

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