Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Lord is in His Holy Temple - 5/18/08pm

Habakkuk 2:18-20

This is a short passage, and one of the shortest songs in our songbooks is based on this passage. It is a passage we are probably at least somewhat familiar with, but probably have not spent a great deal of time on. However, there are at least three concepts that are worth focusing on in these short few verses.

Worthlessness of Idolatry
The prophet begins this passage by discussing the pointlessness and worthlessness of idols and of idolatry.
Isaiah 44:12-20 -Folly of making idols
Zechariah 10:1-2 -Idols speak delusions, lies, false dreams, etc.
Let our attitude be as that of David!
Psalm 31:6 -Hated regard for useless idols
In the New Testament, this disregard for idols remains.
I Corinthians 8:4-6 -An idol is nothing

The Contrast of the True God with False Gods
And of course, the power and importance of idols is nothing in comparison to that of the True, Living God.
I Samuel 5:1-5 -Dagon falls before the ark
Exodus 32:1-6, 19-20 -The golden calf
Exodus 34:29-35 -Moses’ face after speaking to God
Compare the two: the golden calf which was easily destroyed and consumed, and the God who, just by speaking to Moses, left His mark. Could the golden calf have done this? One was constructed by man and immobile, the other was active.
Genesis 31:19-30 -Rachel stole Laban’s gods
Compare the two: the active Lord, who spoke who Laban and the gods who were stolen and hidden. One could not be hidden, one was active and powerful. The other could not prevent itself from being taken.

Reverence for God
This passage also tells us to keep silence before God. The concept here is one of reverent respect. It is one of being so in awe of Him that we are speechless.
Nehemiah 8:1-6 -The people stand for respect of God’s word
Let us consider why we should have this reverence for God:
Isaiah 55:8-9 -God’s ways are higher than ours
Job 40:6-42:6 -God describes His power to Job

Have we put away worthless idols? Have we put away those things that we have placed as being more important than God? We have looked today at the power and majesty of God, compared with all other things in this world. Will you show the proper reverence for the Almighty in your life?

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