Saturday, January 17, 2009

O Ye of Little Faith - 1/18/09am

Hebrews 11:1 -Faith is

Luke 12:22-30 -Will he not clothe you?
The disciples’ lack of faith resulted in worry and concern. If our faith is not what it should be, then we too will be overcome with worry and concern for the things that God can provide.

Matthew 8:24-27 -Jesus calms the storm
Once again, we see a lack of faith resulting in concern. Moreover, we see a lack of faith in the ability of God to carry out His plan and to protect His Son.

Matthew 14:22-36 -Peter tries to walk on water
Even when Peter cried out to the Lord, he was rebuked for his little faith. I daresay he showed more faith than most of us do! Nonetheless, he doubted the power of Christ. If our faith is not what it should be, we too will doubt the ability of the Lord to do as He said.

Matthew 16:1-12 -Beware the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
The lack of faith of the disciples’ resulted in not understanding what Christ said. We must put our trust in the Lord, or we will misunderstand. We will not take heed of what is said, and we will fall.

Matthew 17:14-20 -The disciples fail to cast out a demon
The disciples’ faith was insufficient to do the will of God. If we are lacking in our faith, we too will fail to do what the Lord requires of us.

Luke 7:1-10 -The centurion’s great faith
We see here what having great faith is: look at the centurion’s complete conviction regarding the power and authority of the Lord. And we see the result is that the Lord hears him, and grants him a blessing.

Matthew 15:21-31 -The Canaanite woman’s great faith
Once again, we see that great faith is an absolute conviction: in this case that even the smallest part of Christ’s power would be enough to make her daughter whole.

Luke 17:5 -Increase our faith
Acts 16:1-5 -Churches increased in faith and grew in number
II Corinthians 10:12-16 -As your faith is increased
II Thessalonians 1:1-5 -Your faith grows exceedingly
We must strive to grow in faith. We cannot remain stagnant and of little faith. We must move beyond being of “little faith” and increase to “great faith.”

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