Saturday, January 17, 2009

I Cannot, But God Can - 1/18/09pm

Genesis 41:1-16 -Pharaoh’s dreams
Genesis 41:17-32 -The interpretation of the dreams
We see Joseph giving the honor and glory to God for the interpretation of the dream. He recognized his own inability to do as the Pharaoh wanted, but knew that God had the power to do so. It is hard to think of this passage without recalling a similar event that occurred some time later.

Daniel 2:10-11 -No man can do as Nebuchadnezzar asked
Daniel 2:17-23 -Daniel prays to God for aid
Daniel 2:24-30 -Daniel gives credit to God
Once again we see Daniel recognizing his own lack of ability and power, but acknowledges the ability of God to do what man cannot do. What man cannot not do alone can often be accomplished with God.

I Peter 4:8-11 -Let him do it as of the ability which God gives
We all serve in some way. Let us make use of the ability which God provides and do so earnestly.

Philippians 4:11-13 -I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Psalm 28:1-9 -The Lord is the strength of the righteous
Psalm 37:39 -The Lord is the strength of the righteous
God strengthens the righteous. It is not a matter of physical strength or the ability to do superhuman or Herculean tasks or that we will never fail in anything we try. It is a matter of the granting of the endurance and ability to overcome when we would otherwise fail. God gives the peace and hope that builds strength for us to do His will.

Luke 17:18-30 -That which is impossible (salvation) of man is possible with God
Ephesians 2:1-10 -Salvation through grace
Of ourselves, salvation is impossible. Nonetheless, God has grace towards us, in that if we do as He requires, we may be saved.

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