Saturday, January 24, 2009

Edification - 1/25/09am

Edification has become, in many places, a justification for doing whatever people feel like “in service to God.” Many are the claims that instruments in worship are more edifying. Often we hear how church sponsored recreational activities are more edifying. Edification has become an excuse for many. Let us take a few moments to consider what edification is, and what it is not.

oikodome (oikos - a home & demo - to build). Literally, “the act of building”
-“Used only figuratively in the NT, in the sense of edification, the promotion of spiritual growth”
-(As a verb) Is used metaphorically in the sense of “edifying,” promoting spiritual growth and development of character of believers by teaching or by example, suggesting such spiritual progress as the result of labor

Acts 20:32-35 -Edified through God and His word of grace
We see here the means of edification: it is of God and through His word. The word of God does not always give the reader an uplifting feeling, but it is always good and useful for building up.

Romans 14:1-21 -Edify each other through action
We see here that edification requires effort and deliberation. We must decide to edify each other. We also see that edification is helping the weak to grow and become stronger. Edification, we see, is a deliberate effort to strengthen someone in the faith.
Romans 15:1-6 -Edification and hope through the scriptures and bearing one another’s weaknesses

I Corinthians 8:1-3 -Love builds up
When we think about what our love is for one another, we know that it’s utmost is a love that requires us to help each other be like Christ, that we may all be with Him for eternity. We do not do this by giving each other a good feeling, but by helping one another be better Christians.

I Corinthians 14:1-19 -Edification by way of being taught
In the context of spiritual gifts, we see that edification comes through being understandably taught, and that spiritual gifts were to be used to this purpose. If something is not understandable, it is pointless sound, and not edifying.

II Corinthians 13:1-14 -Instruction was given through Paul for edification
Teaching, even sharp teaching, is edifying. We can read through Paul’s letters, and we see that Paul’s teaching was not always that which would give an uplifting feeling. However, it was always good for strengthening one’s faith.

Ephesians 4:25-32 -No unwholesome words, only edifying
Words are to be edifying. Not that they make the listener happy or give an uplifting feeling, but that they are good for building up a person’s faith. Words are to be helpful, not detrimental. And in that way, they are edifying.

Colossians 2:6-7 -Rooted and built up in Him
We see that being “built up,” or edified, is an addition to how we are rooted in Christ. That we are to abound in Christ. This doesn’t require a feeling. Or belief in Christ is not founded on emotion. Edification is a strengthening of our Faith, not and uplifting of our feelings.

I Thessalonians 5:1-11 -Edify each other because of judgment
As we await the final Day of the Lord, we are to comfort each other and edify each other. This edification must be a strengthening of our faith, an encouragement to become more like Christ, that when judgment comes, we do not stand condemned.

Jude 1:20-21 -Build yourselves up on your most holy faith
We see this admonition to build ourselves up, the same original word as edify, in the faith. We see this tied to keeping ourselves in the love of God and to prayer. It is not a matter of feeling uplifted in our faith, but one of strengthening and growing in our faith.

Edification is not an emotion or feeling, but is something we must all put effort into and strive to do, both for ourselves and for others. We must learn what God wants, and strive to become better in following it. Are you growing/building up as you should? Are you helping others to grow and be built up?

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