Saturday, October 10, 2009

You Owe Him - 10/11/09am

Sometimes people feel that God requires too much, or that simply assembling is enough, or that they’ve already done enough for God. When we examine the scriptures we see that we owe God everything, and should be spending our lives dedicated to His service.

Because He Created You
God created you. Not only that, but everything you have enjoyed in this life, He created. Everything you have needed in this life is there by His Hand. Ever enjoy a day at an outdoor barbeque with family and loved ones? The sunshine you enjoyed, the food you ate, the people you were around, the ground you stood on, the air you breathed…all there because God created it.
Genesis 1:1-31 -Creation

Because His Son Died for You
Not only did God create all things, but He put in motion a plan by which men can be saved. He sacrificed His Son that we might have salvation. The cost was paid for our sin with the blood of God’s only begotten.
Romans 5:6-11 -While we were sinners, Christ died for us, allowing for reconciliation
Luke 23:26-46 -Crucifixion

Because He has Blessed Us in Life
In this life God has given us each many blessings and gifts. There are many nonessentials that we enjoy. There are also spiritual blessings, such as the word of God that have been provided for us.
James 1:16-18 -Every good and perfect gift is from God
II Peter 1:2-4 -God has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness

Because He Has Given Us Hope
Lastly, because of the sacrifice made by His Son, we can have hope of eternal life. Not that we deserve it or have earned it (or ever can earn it), but we owe God a great deal for making such a thing available to us.
Revelation 21:1-22:5 -The eternal reward

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