Friday, October 16, 2009

Working in the Vineyard - 10/18/09am

Matthew 20:1-16 -Parable of the workers in the vineyard

The Promise
Each worker was made a promise of a denarius for their labor. We have a promise for our labor. Our promise, however, is far greater than a day’s worth of pay. Our promise is of Christ’s return and of eternal life to follow.
I Timothy 4:1-11 -Godliness holds the promise of life
II Peter 3:1-13 -The promise of His coming
I John 2:25 -The Lord has promised eternal life
Luke 14:25-33 -Count the the promise worth the work?

The Work
In order to carry out their part of the arrangement, the hired men had to spend the rest of the day working. The same is very much true for us. We must spend our time working if we wish to receive what has been promised. The promise is conditional.
Matthew 9:35-38 -The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few
I Timothy 3:1-5 -Timothy, the fellow worker
Ephesians 4:11-16 -Prepared for works of service, each does his own work
Titus 2:1-15 -Instruction on good works

The Payment
It is not too late to begin working. It is not to late to start serving the Lord, carrying out His will. Whether you have never obeyed the gospel or whether you have obeyed but have not been a diligent worker, it is not too late to start...if you start now. You are not guaranteed a later. But if we are His workers, we will receive what He has promised.
Hebrews 11:6 -He rewards those who seek Him
James 1:12 -Receive the crown of life that God has promised
I Thessalonians 4:13-18 -Meet the Lord in the air and be with Him forever
Hebrews 10:19-25 -He who promised is faithful

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