Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Corrupt Priesthood - 10/11/09pm

Malachi 1:6-8 -The vain offering of the priests
Malachi 2:1-9 -The sins of the priests

The priesthood in the days of Malachi had become corrupt. Sadly, this had often been the case for the priesthood. Let us take a few moments and consider some of the times in scripture where God’s priests had chosen to stray.

Leviticus 10:1-7 -Nadab and Abihu offer strange fire
I Samuel 2:12-25, 34 -Eli’s sinful sons
Micah 3:1-12 -The priests teach for pay
Nehemiah 13:28-31 -The defiled priesthood
Matthew 26:1-5 -The chef priests plot to kill Jesus
Matthew 27:15-26 -The chief priests ask for Jesus’ crucifixion and Barabbas’ release
Acts 26:9-13 -The priests send Paul to persecute the church

So what is the lesson in this for us?

I Peter 2:1-10 -You are a holy priesthood
Revelation 1:4-6 -You are kings and priests

Under the new covenant, all Christians are priests. All Christians have that obligation to God and to man. If we grow corrupt, if we choose not to fulfill our responsibilities, we include ourselves among those that we just read of a few minutes ago. We must each remain pure, blameless, and undefiled before God. We must serve God, we must teach, we must be dedicated and offer ourselves up as an offering to Him.

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