Friday, October 16, 2009

Gideon: Let Baal Contend - 10/18/09pm

Hebrews 11:32-34 -Heroes of faith, including Gideon

Judges 6:11-16 -Gideon was among the least of Israel
Social standing is not a barrier to serving God: everyone can.

Judges 6:17-21 -Gideon asks for a sign as proof
Judges 6:22-27 -Gideon accepts the sign and obeys the Lord
God provides proof and evidence for many things. When we see it, we should accept it and follow it.

Judges 6:28-30 -The men seek to kill Gideon
Judges 6:31-32 -Gideon’s father speaks, and Gideon is given the name Jerubbaal
The importance of a good name/reputation: we should be known for standing for truth and contending against sin.

Judges 6:33-35 -Gideon gathers Israel to oppose the Midianites
Judges 6:36-40 -Gideon asks for, and receives, two more signs
Judges 7:1-3 -God tells Gideon he has too many men, and that the glory should obviously be the Lords. 22,000 men leave, 10,000 remain
Judges 7:4-8 -The Lord narrows down to 300 men
The glory always should go to God. God’s will will be done, even if it seems impossible.

Judges 7:9-14 -Gideon, afraid to go into the Midianite camp, hears a man telling of a dream and finds courage
Sometimes we are afraid to do as the Lord would want. We must have courage and confidence in God.

Judges 7:15-18 -The plan
Judges 7:19-22 -The Midianite are routed
Judges 7:23-25 -The Israelites pursue the Midianites and capture two princes
Consider what the Lord did for Israel! The Lord is not limited: we can have confidence that He will overcome and the He will help when we pray for it.

Judges 8:1-3 -The men of Ephraim are upset they weren’t “invited along”
Judges 8:4-9 -Gideon asks for supplies for his men, and it is not provided
Judges 8:10-17 -Gideon captures the kings of Midian and punishes those that refused to aid the Israel army
When our assistance is needed, how do we respond? Do we want to help? Do we seek excuse not to help?

Judges 8:18-21 -Zebah and Zalmunna are executed
Judges 8:22-23 -Gideon refuses to be made king
Gideon here shows proper understanding: God rules in the kingdoms of men. When Israel eventually was given the king they asked for, think of how well that went.

Judges 8:24-27 -Gideon makes a golden ephod, which serves as an idol and becomes a snare to Gideon and his house
And yet we see that Gideon takes action which results in idolatry, although not to the Baals. We must be careful not to cause others, or ourselves, to sin.

Judges 8:28-35 -Gideon dies, and Israel turns back to the Baals
And after all of Gideon’s work, people still turned back. We cannot force others to choose to follow the Lord. But like Gideon, we must work diligently.

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