Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sacrifice - 8/28/08pm

In the Old Testament
We’ll take a few minutes to look at some of the offerings that were offered in the Old Testament. We will notice several things about these sacrifices, as well as some things they all have in common.
Genesis 4:1-7 -The sacrifices of Cain and Abel
Leviticus 1:1-5 -Burnt offering from the herd
Leviticus 1:10-11 -Burnt offering from the flock
Leviticus 1:14-15 -Burnt offering of birds
Leviticus 2:1, 4, 7, 11-12 -Grain offerings
Leviticus 3:1-2 -Peace offering from the herd
Leviticus 3:6-8 -Peace offering from the flock
Leviticus 3:12-13 -Peace offering of a goat
Leviticus 4:1-7 -Sin offering
I Samuel 15:22-23 -Saul’s wrong sacrifice, Samuel’s response
Hebrews 10:1-10 -The sacrifices of the Old Law foreshadow Christ

Of the Perfect Lamb
The blood of bulls and goats could not atone for the sins of man. However, we do have a perfect atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Ephesians 5:2 -Christ’s loving sacrifice was a pleasing aroma to God
Isaiah 53:1-12 -As a lamb he was led to the slaughter
I Peter 1:17-21 -Christ’s atoning sacrifice
Mankind had been used to offering sacrifices to God. But now we see that God made a sacrifice for man! And we see the same attributes applied to the Old Testament sacrifices applied to our Lord.

Of Ourselves
Sometimes it is difficult to make sacrifice of what we have. Yet for many things, and for many people, we are willing to make sacrifices. Parents often sacrifice for their children. We may make sacrifices for friends. But above all, we must be willing to offer ourselves as a sacrifice for God.
Romans 11:28-12:2 -Because of God’s love and our change, be a sacrifice
Luke 14:25-27 -We must be willing to give up all else to follow Christ
Philippians 3:1-11 -Paul was willing to count all as loss, for the sake of Christ

Our sacrifice, our life, should be offered to the Lord.
-It should be of our best, not what is left over.
-It should be done obediently, as He wants it, not as we want it.
-It should be appropriate and al encompassing.-It should be because He has already sacrificed for us.
We must be willing to give up the things we treasure most, if necessary. We must be willing to live a life dedicated, set apart, to His service. We must strive to be the unblemished sacrifice.

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