Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Mountain of the Lord -9/7/08am

Micah 4:1-3 -Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord

In the scripture, there is a great deal of worship, both false and true, that takes place on mountains. And these separate occasions are there for us to learn from, that we may be better able to worship and serve the Lord.

People have always gone up to high places in order to be closer to deity. Often in the Old Testament, people worship false gods or wrongly worship the Lord at “high places.”

Promises and Proofs
Let us consider the matter of the great flood. At the end of it, the Lord made a promise to man. And more than that, He provided us with a sign, a proof, of the covenant, that we may look at it and be assured.
Genesis 8:1-5 -The ark settles on Mount Ararat
Genesis 9:8-17 -The Lord promises not to destroy the earth by water

In Abraham, we see a great deal of faith and trust in the Lord. One of the more astonishing occasions takes place on Mount Moriah.
Genesis 22:1-14 -Abraham takes Isaac to Mount Moriah
Hebrews 11:17-19 -It was counted as faithfulness

In Moses, we see examples of obedience and disobedience. We see the emphasis the Lord places on compliance with His will, and of the disaster or failing to do so.
Exodus 3:1-13 -Moses, the burning bush, Mount Horeb
Exodus 19:10-20 -Moses goes up to Mount Sinai

We also see the power and might of the Lord displayed on a mountain, and in a situation that easily compares the Lord’s power with those of idols and false gods.
I Kings 18:20-29 -There is no power in false gods
I Kings 18:30-39 -God’s power is shown at Mount Carmel

In the Old Testament, worship was largely confined to a specific location, whether the tabernacle or the temple. Now, we know the location does not matter.
John 4:19-24 -It is not the location that matters in worship

The rock not cut by hands that grows into a mountain
We can still, today, go up to the mountain of the Lord! Through baptism and being added to the Lord’s church, we can go up to the mountain of the Lord to be close to Him.
Daniel 2:31-36 -Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar his dream
Daniel 2:37-45 -The interpretation of the dream

Isaiah 2:1-4 -Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord

Have you gone up to the mountain of the Lord?

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