Friday, August 28, 2009

A Man of Perseverance - 8/30/09pm

Matthew 10:22 -He who endures to the end will be saved

Jeremiah 1:1-19 -Jeremiah introduced and called. God gives him the message to preach
Covers a period of about 40 years
Young people can serve the Lord and valuable in His work
Jeremiah was to only preach/teach what was given Him
Jeremiah was not given a message that was going to be well liked

Jeremiah 8:4-22 -God’s indictment of Judah
Judah’s false wisdom and false piety
Judah’s complacent “peace”
Judah’s idolatry
Judah will be destroyed

Jeremiah 9:1-2 -Jeremiah’s sad response
Jeremiah does not rejoice at the destruction of his people
Jeremiah often referred to as the “weeping prophet”

Jeremiah 18:11-18 -Hearing God’s word, the people plot to slander and ignore Jeremiah
The people are called to repent and are condemned for their sin
They do not like this, so plot to see that Jeremiah is not heard

Jeremiah 18:19-23 -Jeremiah prays to God
Jeremiah had said what God wanted said
Jeremiah is willing to let them be judged accordingly

Jeremiah 28:1-17 -Jeremiah contends with Hananiah
Hananiah falsely prophesied peace and safety to Jerusalem, telling the king what he wanted to hear
Jeremiah stated the will of God
Hananiah, stating what people wanted to hear, died
Jeremiah, stating what was distasteful to people but pleasing to God, lived

Jeremiah 38:1-13 -Jeremiah is thrown into a pit, rescued by
Ebed-Melech the Ethiopian
Jeremiah’s life is sought by the princes of Jerusalem, and is cast into a pit
Jeremiah is rescued by one who is not a Jew

Jeremiah 38:14-28 -Jeremiah continues to preach until Jerusalem is captured
Jeremiah did not let previous events stop him, but continued to speak what the Lord had spoken

God and Man in Salvation - 8/30/09am

What God Does
Genesis 3:9-15 -God made a Plan
From when sin entered the world, God set in motion a plan for redeeming man. He did this because He loved us. Not as a collective, but each as individuals. Even while we turned from Him, He continued His plan for our salvation.
I John 4:7-11 -God loved us first
John 3:13-16 -God so loved the world
Romans 5:8-11 -God loved us, His Son died so we may be justified
By His blood, we are saved. God has done for us what no man can do: offered the perfect sacrifice for sin. And when He had done this, and the Christ rose again the third day, He did not keep it hidden, known only to a select few. He did it publicly, and sent men to spread the good news of salvation, that even those who had rejected Him might have opportunity for eternal life.
Matthew 28:18-20 -Christ sent men to spread the gospel
II Peter 1:2-4 -The gospel is complete and all that we need
Titus 2:11-14 -His grace has appeared to all men
And this good news and grace is something we all need, for we have all chosen to sin. We have each fallen short of what we should be.
Romans 3:23 -All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
Ecclesiastes 7:29 -Though created upright, men seek out other paths

What Man Does
Salvation has been made available by God. So what do we each have to do in order to grasp this good and perfect gift?
Hebrews 5:5-11 -Salvation goes to those who obey
I John 3:16-24 -Love and belief: commands of God
John 6:26-33 -Believing is doing a work of God
I Corinthians 16:22 -The importance of loving the Lord
Acts 17:30 -All men need to repent
II Timothy 2:22 -Flee youthful lusts, pursue righteousness
Romans 10:8-13 -Confess Christ
Acts 2:38 -Repent and be baptized
These things are necessary to grasp hold of salvation for the first time. But once we have it, we cannot let go of the hope we have. We must continue to live for Christ.
I John 1:5-2:6 -Walk in the light with Christ
What is required of us is so insignificant compared to what the Lord has already done. He does not ask us to do things that will “earn” salvation. Instead, He asks for small, simple things, done out of love and faith. Are you walking in the light? Are you with Christ? Have you obeyed the gospel?

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Isaiah: The Coming Messiah - 8/23/09pm

Last week we considered some of the prophecies Isaiah made against Israel, of their sin, and of their return to come. This week we will take a brief look at some of what Isaiah had to say about the long awaited Messiah, how He could be recognized, and what would happen.

Prophecies of the Messiah
Isaiah makes several prophecies of the coming Savior. Some were regarding signs that would make it apparent who the Messiah was. Some were in regard to what the Messiah would do, or what would occur to the Savior.
Isaiah 7:13-17 -Immanuel, virgin birth
Isaiah 9:1-7 -From Galilee, names for, throne of David
Isaiah 11:1-16 -Root of Jesse
Isaiah 53:1-12 -The suffering savior

Fulfillment by the Messiah
We can read in the New Testament of the fulfillment of these prophecies. In this we find evidence that Jesus is the Messiah. In this we can have faith and trust that in following Him, we have not misplaced our hearts. We follow no lie, but the Truth.
Matthew 1:1-25 -Immanuel, virgin birth, root of Jesse fulfilled
Matthew 4:12-17 -From Galilee fulfilled
Acts 8:29-39 -Isaiah 53 refers to Jesus, the Christ

The Messiah’s Followers
Not only does Isaiah have something to say about the Messiah, but also regarding His followers: the church.
Isaiah 2:1-4 -The mountain of the Lord’s house
Hebrew 3:1-6 -We can be part of His house

Would you follow the Messiah that had been prophesied of and has now come? Would you be a part of His house?

Preach the Word and Teach the World, Part 3 - 8/23/09am

Romans 10:14-17

Previously we looked at each of our roles in teaching others. We also looked at who we are supposed to be bringing the word, and what we are to be teaching. To conclude this series, we will take a look at how we are supposed to be teaching, and why we are supposed to be teaching.

How we should Teach
II Timothy 4:2 -With patience
II Timothy 1:8 -Not ashamedly (Romans 1:16)
Matthew 23:3 -Not hypocritically
II Timothy 2:25 -Gently instruct
Acts 4:29-31 -With boldness (Acts 9:27-29, Acts 14:3, Acts 19:8)
Ephesians 4:15 -In love
Philippians 1:15-16 -With love and good will
Titus 2:7-8 -With integrity and seriousness
I Timothy 2:1 -Without favoritism

We should teach with longsuffering, with patience, and with love. We should speak boldly, and unashamed of what we are speaking. We should freely preach to all men, without favoring some over others. And we should be practicing the word of God that we are teaching.

Why we should Teach
Philippians 1:15-18 -Should be freely and willingly preaching
I Corinthians 9:16-18 -We are rewarded for preaching voluntary work
Acts 4:18-20 -God said to, and we shouldn’t be able to stop ourselves from doing so
Acts 14:11-17 -For God’s glory
Ephesians 4:29 -To build up
Romans 10:14-17 -Teaching will lead to faith
II Peter 3:9 -That all might repent
I Corinthians 9:19-23 -To save souls
I Corinthians 15:1-11 -For salvation through the gospel

We should be preaching from the proper motives. We should be doing so willingly, not begrudgingly. If we are doing so because we are compelled, the word I still spread, but it shows that our priorities are other than what Christ wants it to be. We should be preaching to help save souls and bring others to Christ. We should be soul winners for Him, striving to increase the size of His kingdom and bring glory to Him. We must be sure to do it for Him, and for the souls of others, and not for ourselves.

Paul’s Example and Preaching
Acts 18:1-23
-Paul taught boldly, willingly, without hesitation
-Paul reasoned from the scriptures
-Paul traveled often to save souls

Have you obeyed the gospel preached by Paul? Are you willing to become one of the Lord’s disciples?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Isaiah: Judgment of Israel - 8/16/09pm

Isaiah can be divided up in different ways. The way I usually look at this book is that Isaiah primarily has three different subjects he deals with. The first is the judgment of Israel, the second is similar and deals with God’s judgment of the nations surrounding and affecting Israel, and the third is prophecy of the Messiah. This week, let us consider God’s judgment of Israel. Next week, Lord willing, we will consider some of what Isaiah has to say about the Messiah.

Israel’s Sin
Israel and Judah, rather than following the Lord as they should, chose to sin against the Almighty and go their own way. God, through Isaiah, names some of the sin that they had committed and which had separated them from the Lord.
Isaiah 1:1-23 -Judah’s empty worship and degeneracy
Isaiah 3:13-23 -Judah’s prideful materialism
Isaiah 5:8-12 -Judah’s materialism
Isaiah 5:18-23 -Judah’s reversing of evil into good and good into evil
Isaiah 32:9-11 -Their complacency
Isaiah 59:1-8 -Their sins have separated them from God

Israel’s Punishment
For their sins, Israel was to be punished. Their cities would be laid waste, and the people would be carried off in captivity.
Isaiah 29:1-8 -Jerusalem to be destroyed
Isaiah 39:1-8 -Babylon to carry them into captivity

Israel’s Return
The Lord, being merciful, would later bring a remnant back to the land of Israel and allow Jerusalem to be rebuilt. Even when Israel has rejected God continually, we see that he offers hope should they repent.
Isaiah 10:20-27 -A remnant will return
Isaiah 26:20-27:13 -Israel is to return
Isaiah 44:24-25:7 -Through Cyrus, Judah will return from captivity

Preach the Word and Teach the World, Part 2 - 8/16/09am

Romans 10:14-17

Continuing our study on what we, as Christians, should be doing to spread the gospel of Christ, we will look at some more specifics. Last time we looked at the role of an evangelist and what every Christian should be doing to teach others. Today we’ll look at who we should be teaching and what we should be teaching.

Who do we Teach?
Romans 1:16
Titus 2:2 -Older men
Titus 2:3 -Older women
Titus 2:4-5 -Younger women
Titus 2:6 -Younger men
Titus 2:9-10 -Slaves
Acts 20:7 -The church
II Timothy 2:25-26 -Opponents of Christ
(Romans 15:20, Luke 9:10)
Matthew 28:18-20 -All the world
(Mark 16:15, Acts 22:15)
Everyone is included among those who need to be taught. Whether you are in a saved condition or a lost condition, you need to be taught. Whether you are male or female, young or old, and whatever your lot in life may be, you need to be taught. And as Christians, we are supposed to be teaching them.

What do we Teach?
Matthew 28:18-20 -What Christ taught the apostles
Titus 2:1 -Sound doctrine
II Peter 3:15 -To explain the faith
II Corinthians 11:4 -Jesus
(I Corinthians 1:23)
Acts 8:35 -Good new about Jesus
(Galatians 1:6-9, Romans 10:14-15)
II Timothy 4:2 -The word
Ephesians 4:15 -The truth
Galatians 1:11-12 -What God revealed
Acts 26:20 -Repentance and turning to God
Acts 22:16 -Baptism and remission of sins
We should be teaching the Bible. The word of God. We should be bringing people the true good news about our savior, who was crucified for our sins, and was raised again on the 3rd day. We should be letting everyone know about Christ, and what Christ wants us to do, in return for his sacrifice. We should be teaching people to bring them to God.

Philip’s Example and Preaching
Acts 8:4-8, 26-40
-Philip preached about Christ to Samaria and the Eunuch
-Philip preached from the scriptures, using what God had provided
-Philip’s teaching of Christ included baptism and information about salvation
Have you obeyed the gospel of Christ?

Friday, August 7, 2009

The Whole of Man - 8/9/09pm

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

The Feet
While before we have looked at “walking” in a figurative sense, now we consider how we can literally use our feet in the Lord’s service: to carry us to teach others and to speed us towards doing His work.
Ephesians 6:15 -Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel
Romans 10:14-15 -Beautiful feet

The Body
We must submit the body, and all of its desires, to God, using what we physically in such a way as to serve Him.
I Corinthians 6:12-20 -Glorify God in your body
Romans 12:1-2 -Present body as a living sacrifice

The Heart
We must focus our hearts on Christ. We cannot have our hearts set on other things, but must desire the will of God.
Matthew 22:34-40 -The greatest commandment
Psalm 131 -A humble heart

The Hands
Our hands must be innocent of wrong doing, and clean. We should also be working diligently in all things, as though unto the Lord. When we work diligently in our lives at secular work and such things, the Lord is pleased.
James 4:7-11 -Cleanse your hands
I Thessalonians 4:1-12 -Work with your own hands, consider context

The Tongue
How are we using the tongue in the Lord’s work? We must be careful to speak those things He wishes to be said, and to not speak those things we should not.
James 3:1-13 -Taming the tongue
Palm 119:169-176 -Speaking to God, and about His law

The Ears
We should be receptive and quick to heed the word of God. We must not let teaching simply slip in one ear and out the other, but rather be prepared to listen and apply.
Matthew 13:10-17 -Christ’s reason for speaking in parables
Psalm 78:1-3 -Incline your ears
I Timothy 4:1-14 -Itching ears

The Eyes
We must keep our focus on Christ, and on those things he would have us focus on. We must not allow ourselves to look instead towards sin.
Matthew 5:27-32 -Do not look after a woman to lust
Hebrews 12:1-2 -Looking unto Jesus
Psalm 123 -Lifting up eyes unto God

The Mind
We must follow and love the Lord with our mind. Our mind, as it controls the rest of the body, must be in line with what God wants. If we cannot bring our minds into subjection, then the rest of us will not be either.
I Peter 1:13-16 -Gird up the loins of your mind
Philippians 3:18-19 -Minds set on earthly things
Philippians 4:8-9 -Think on these things

Preach the Word and Teach the World, Part 1 - 8/9/09am

Romans 10:14-17

It is profitable to take a look at not only the role of a preacher/evangelist, but also what the teaching responsibilities of all Christians are. We should look at who we should be teaching, what we should be teaching, how we should be teaching, and consider why we teach. It also behooves us to take a look at the Bible examples of Bible teachers, that we can emulate their good examples.

The Role of a Preacher/Evangelist
I Timothy 3:1-13 -NOT to oversee the congregation (Titus 1:5-9, II Peter 5:1-3)
II Timothy 4:2-5 -To preach the word, regardless of whether it is popular
II Corinthians 10:14-15 -To teach the word plainly
I Timothy 4:12-13 -To provide an example
Romans 10:14-15 -To bring the gospel to people
II Thessalonians 2:13-15 -To bring people to Christ (Colossians 1:28-29)
II Timothy 3:16-17 -To teach, rebuke, correct, and train (I Timothy 6:20, I Timothy 4:6, II Timothy 2:8-14)
Colossians 1:25-27 -To give hope
I Corinthians 10:31 -To give glory to God

The role of an evangelist is to speak what is written in scripture, regardless of whether people want to hear it or not. He is tasked with using the gospel effectively and properly. It is necessary for him to teach those both in and out of the body of Christ. He does not guide or oversee a congregation in the way an elder does. Nor does he have any inherent authority except to speak what God has spoken. This is both his authority and responsibility.

Who Should Preach/Teach?
Hebrews 5:12 -Members of the Church (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 8:4)
I Corinthians 9:16-18 -Those who voluntarily do so and those who are compelled
I Corinthians 12:27-31 -Those so gifted (Ephesians 4:11-13)
Titus 2:3-4 -Older women
I Timothy 3:2 -Elders
I Timothy 4:12-13 -Young men
I Corinthians 7:16 -Husbands and wives

Everyone should b teaching the word. Whether you are male or female, young or old, you have a responsibility to spread the good news about Christ. Everyone can teach something to someone, even if it is only to give the reason you believe and obey. In example and speech, we must always strive to teach others (Colossians 3:17).

Peter’s Example and Preaching
Acts 2:14-39
-Peter teaches of Christ
-Peter preaches boldly, not softening what he is saying
-He preaches of repentance, baptism, and salvation

Have you obeyed what Peter preached?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Don't Be Stupid - 8/2/09pm

Proverbs 12:1 -The stupid man hates correction
Proverbs 30:1-3 -The stupid man has no wisdom or knowledge of God
Jeremiah 10:1-25 -Stupidity of idols and idolatry (vv. 8, 14)
Jeremiah 51:15-19 -Lacking knowledge and following idols is stupid
Ecclesiastes 10:1-3 -Actions make stupidity obvious
We see then that stupidity is found in rejecting that which God has made known, and in turning to other things. It is truly stupid to not heed that which is made clear by God, and it is truly stupid to put our trust in idols, false religions, and other things, instead of in the Lord.

In the Bible, we have examples of people who, knowing the truth, choose to reject it and turn to something else. In other words, we are shown examples of stupid people in the Bible.
Exodus 32:1-20 -Israel, knowing God, turns to an idol
Luke 22:1-6, 47-53 -Judas, knowing Christ, betrays him
Acts 26:19-32 -Agrippa, knowing the law and prophets, rejects Christ

Jude 3 -The faith has been delivered, once and for all
II Peter 1:2-3 -All things pertaining to life and godliness
The word of God has made the Lord clear to us. God has seen to it that we have all that we need in order to know Christ, to follow Him, and to not turn aside. If we choose to do anyway, we, like the Israelites, like Judas, like Agrippa, and like many others, choose to be stupid. Don’t be stupid.

Excuses Christ Failed to Make - 8/2/09am

Luke 14:16-24
It’s easy and common for us to make excuses to get out of things. We make excuses to not wash dishes, to not go to the doctor, or to not go to work. We also make excuses to not teach others, to assemble, or to study the Bible. I would like to take a few minutes and think about the results if Christ had made these same excuses.

“It’s just too hard to do God’s will!”
How often do we make or hear this excuse? It just seems like God has asked so much of us! But consider Christ, our ultimate example. Instead of making this excuse, He did as the Lord commanded.
John 6:32-40
Luke 22:39-46

“But I’ll have to give up things that I like!”
To follow Christ we may have to give up certain possessions, hobbies, entertainments, and friends. But no matter how much we must remove from our lives, consider what Christ gave up. Imagine if He had made this excuse!
Philippians 2:5-11

“No one will listen if I try to teach!”
This excuse is used to keep from teaching others. Again, consider the consequences if Christ had made this excuse. Yet He did not: He taught.
John 7:25-31
John 10:22-30

“I’ll do it later.”
When in doubt, procrastinate, right? Imagine if Christ had put off our salvation, instead of doing what needed to be done when it needed to be done: in the fullness of time.
Galatians 3:26-4:7

“I’m just too tired right now.”
This is an easy excuse to make, particularly on Sunday mornings, isn’t it? Again, we see Christ not making this excuse. Even when tired, He sought to do God’s will. In fact, it’s only recorded once that He ever went apart to rest.
John 4:2-14
Mark 6:30-32

“But I may be laughed at or persecuted!”
Yes, people may laugh at us. They may even throw things. But imagine if Christ made this excuse. He would not have gone to the cross, and we would not have salvation.
Matthew 27:22-50

I Peter 2:21 -Be like Christ