Friday, August 28, 2009

God and Man in Salvation - 8/30/09am

What God Does
Genesis 3:9-15 -God made a Plan
From when sin entered the world, God set in motion a plan for redeeming man. He did this because He loved us. Not as a collective, but each as individuals. Even while we turned from Him, He continued His plan for our salvation.
I John 4:7-11 -God loved us first
John 3:13-16 -God so loved the world
Romans 5:8-11 -God loved us, His Son died so we may be justified
By His blood, we are saved. God has done for us what no man can do: offered the perfect sacrifice for sin. And when He had done this, and the Christ rose again the third day, He did not keep it hidden, known only to a select few. He did it publicly, and sent men to spread the good news of salvation, that even those who had rejected Him might have opportunity for eternal life.
Matthew 28:18-20 -Christ sent men to spread the gospel
II Peter 1:2-4 -The gospel is complete and all that we need
Titus 2:11-14 -His grace has appeared to all men
And this good news and grace is something we all need, for we have all chosen to sin. We have each fallen short of what we should be.
Romans 3:23 -All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God
Ecclesiastes 7:29 -Though created upright, men seek out other paths

What Man Does
Salvation has been made available by God. So what do we each have to do in order to grasp this good and perfect gift?
Hebrews 5:5-11 -Salvation goes to those who obey
I John 3:16-24 -Love and belief: commands of God
John 6:26-33 -Believing is doing a work of God
I Corinthians 16:22 -The importance of loving the Lord
Acts 17:30 -All men need to repent
II Timothy 2:22 -Flee youthful lusts, pursue righteousness
Romans 10:8-13 -Confess Christ
Acts 2:38 -Repent and be baptized
These things are necessary to grasp hold of salvation for the first time. But once we have it, we cannot let go of the hope we have. We must continue to live for Christ.
I John 1:5-2:6 -Walk in the light with Christ
What is required of us is so insignificant compared to what the Lord has already done. He does not ask us to do things that will “earn” salvation. Instead, He asks for small, simple things, done out of love and faith. Are you walking in the light? Are you with Christ? Have you obeyed the gospel?

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