Friday, August 14, 2009

Preach the Word and Teach the World, Part 2 - 8/16/09am

Romans 10:14-17

Continuing our study on what we, as Christians, should be doing to spread the gospel of Christ, we will look at some more specifics. Last time we looked at the role of an evangelist and what every Christian should be doing to teach others. Today we’ll look at who we should be teaching and what we should be teaching.

Who do we Teach?
Romans 1:16
Titus 2:2 -Older men
Titus 2:3 -Older women
Titus 2:4-5 -Younger women
Titus 2:6 -Younger men
Titus 2:9-10 -Slaves
Acts 20:7 -The church
II Timothy 2:25-26 -Opponents of Christ
(Romans 15:20, Luke 9:10)
Matthew 28:18-20 -All the world
(Mark 16:15, Acts 22:15)
Everyone is included among those who need to be taught. Whether you are in a saved condition or a lost condition, you need to be taught. Whether you are male or female, young or old, and whatever your lot in life may be, you need to be taught. And as Christians, we are supposed to be teaching them.

What do we Teach?
Matthew 28:18-20 -What Christ taught the apostles
Titus 2:1 -Sound doctrine
II Peter 3:15 -To explain the faith
II Corinthians 11:4 -Jesus
(I Corinthians 1:23)
Acts 8:35 -Good new about Jesus
(Galatians 1:6-9, Romans 10:14-15)
II Timothy 4:2 -The word
Ephesians 4:15 -The truth
Galatians 1:11-12 -What God revealed
Acts 26:20 -Repentance and turning to God
Acts 22:16 -Baptism and remission of sins
We should be teaching the Bible. The word of God. We should be bringing people the true good news about our savior, who was crucified for our sins, and was raised again on the 3rd day. We should be letting everyone know about Christ, and what Christ wants us to do, in return for his sacrifice. We should be teaching people to bring them to God.

Philip’s Example and Preaching
Acts 8:4-8, 26-40
-Philip preached about Christ to Samaria and the Eunuch
-Philip preached from the scriptures, using what God had provided
-Philip’s teaching of Christ included baptism and information about salvation
Have you obeyed the gospel of Christ?

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