Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Seed and the Soil - 5/31/09am

Matthew 13:1-9 -The parable of the sower
Matthew 13:18-23 -The parable of the sower explained

The Wayside
The wayside are those whose hearts are hardened into not understanding the word of God. It is not that the gospel is too difficult to understand, but rather that people do not want to understand.
Matthew 13:10-17 -The reason for Christ using parables
John 8:37-47 -Those that oppose Christ do not understand

The Stony Ground
These are the people who respond to the gospel, yet do not allow it to take root in their lives. Instead, their faith remains shallow, and when troubling times or persecution comes, they fall away.
Mark 14:43-50 -The disciples leave Christ
Daniel 3:14-25 -Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego
Daniel 6:10-23 -Daniel persecuted, yet continues praying
II Timothy 4:10 -Demas has forsaken Paul

The Thorns
These are people who, once again, receive the gospel. Yet, the Lord never becomes their first priority, and so their faith takes a back seat to the cares, concerns, and riches of this world.
Mark 10:17-22 -The rich young ruler
Matthew 8:18-22 -Following Christ must be put above all else

The Good Soil
The good soil are those people who receive the word of God, and allow it to take root and grow in them. These are the people who dedicate themselves in the Lord’s service, and produce fruit which is in keeping with Christ.
Galatians 5:22-26 -The fruit of the Spirit
Matthew 7:15-20 -By their fruit you shall know them

So which soil are you? What fruit are you producing?

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