Saturday, February 14, 2009

Before Pentecost - 2/15/09am

Acts 1:1-3 -Second letter to Theophilus, infallible proofs
This was the second letter Luke wrote to Theophilus. In introducing this second letter, he briefly recaps the previous letter, the Gospel of Luke, presenting the evidence as infallible and unmistakable.
I Corinthians 15:3-11 -Christ appeared to over 500, at one time

Acts 1:4-8 -The coming of the kingdom and Holy Spirit
The disciples ask if it is time for the Lord to bring about the kingdom. He answers that they will receive power in Jerusalem.
Matthew 6:28 -Some were alive who would see the kingdom
Luke 24:44-49 -Christ opened their minds to the scriptures

Acts 1:9-11 -The ascension of Christ
Christ, after His resurrection, ascended back to heaven. Since then, we await His return and eternal life with Him.
I Thessalonians 4:15-18 -Christ will return, the faithful will be with Him

Acts 1:12-14 -Continuing in one accord with prayer
As the disciples did, so must we: to gather ourselves together, to be of one mind, and to pray constantly.
Philippians 2:1-11 -Be of one mind: requires humility like Christ had
James 5:13-18 -Prayer for a variety of reasons and circumstances

Acts 1:15-22 -The apostles understand the scriptures, and begin to replace Iscariot
The apostles not only understood what the scripture meant, they took the knowledge and made application. We too much make application of God’s word to our lives.
Matthew 7:24-27 -The wise and foolish builders
James 1:22-25 -Do not only listen to the word, do what it says

Acts 1:23-26 -Matthias is chosen by lot
Matthias is chosen over Barsabas. Why? It does not seem to be because Barsabas was unrighteous (or why would he have been considered to begin with?). It was because Matthias was better suited to that particular role.
I Corinthians 12:12-31 -Different members for different purposes

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