Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Hands of Nehemiah - 8/17/08pm

The hands that could be trusted
Nehemiah 1:1-2:6 -Nehemiah, a cupbearer, wants to repair Jerusalem
Nehemiah was trusted. As a cupbearer, he was in a position of great trust: that he wouldn’t poison the king. He could be trusted to do the right thing. He could be trusted to not to the wrong thing. Are our hands as trustworthy?
Psalm 118:8 -It is better to trust in the Lord
Matthew 5:33-37 -Let your yes be yes, and your no be no, without oaths

The hands that were prepared
Nehemiah 4:1-23 -The men work while armed
Nehemiah saw to it that the workers were ready at all times. It didn’t matter that they were busy doing other things: they were prepared for the enemy. As Christians, we do have an enemy. Are our hands prepared? Are we ready to fight at all times?
II Timothy 4:1-2 -Be ready in season and out of season
I Peter 3:15 -Be prepared to give an explanation
I Peter 5:8-9 -Be sober and vigilant, for the devil stalks

We must also be prepared for the end. Just as each day is spent being prepared to fight sin and temptation, we must be prepared for judgment day.
II Peter 3:11-13 -What manner of persons ought you to be?
Luke 12:16-21 -The unprepared barn builder

The hands that were strengthened
Nehemiah 6:1-9 -Sanballat sends threatening letters, Nehemiah prays
Nehemiah 6:15-16 -The wall is rebuilt in 52 days
Nehemiah prayed that the Lord would strengthen his hands. And we see that the Lord does so. The result is that the walls are built amazingly quickly. Have we prayed that our hands are strengthened, that we can more quickly and effectively do the Lord’s will?
I Corinthians 1:20-25 -God’s weakness is greater than man’s strength
II Timothy 4:9-18 -But the Lord strengthened
Philippians 4:13 -I can do all things through Him who strengthens me

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