Saturday, November 7, 2009

In Remembrance of Me - 11/8/09am

Luke 22:7-23 -The Lord’ Supper is instituted

Manner and Means of Partaking
It is, of course, worth calling to attention what the Bible has to say about what the Lord’s Supper consists of, how often we are to partake of it, and in what manner we should do so.
Exodus 12:14-20 -The feast of unleavened bread, no leaven
Exodus 13:3-10 -The feast of unleavened bread, no leaven, remember
Acts 20:7-12 -The first day of the week
I Corinthians 11:17-34 -Properly partake of the Lord’s Supper

Examine Self
The Lord’s Supper is an opportunity to examine ourselves and see where we need to make corrections in our life. We should, at that moment, be careful to consider where our minds are, that we may be properly focused on Christ and His will. And we must look at whether our own lives are in line with Christ’s.
Galatians 6:1-5 -Each should examine his own work

Remembrance of Christ
We, as people, tend to forget things, don’t we? We have many holidays in this country, and most of them people don’t know why it is we celebrate them. Thus, Christ, in His Divine wisdom, established opportunity to be continually reminded.
II Timothy 2:8 -Remember
II Peter 3:1-2 -Bring to remembrance

Proclaim the Lord’s Death until He Comes
Each time we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we declare our faith that the Lord was crucified for our sins, was buried, rose again the third day, ascended to heaven, and will at some point return, that we may all face judgment.
Mark 15:22-37 -The crucifixion
Hebrews 9:16-28 -Christ’s sacrifice
Acts 1:9-11 -Christ will return
I Thessalonians 4:13-18 -Christ will return

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