Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Value of Prayer - 9/6/09am

Abraham’s Servant
Abraham sought a wife for his son Isaac. He wanted a wife not of the people around him, but of his own people, so he sent a servant to seek one.
Genesis 24:1-28 -The servant prays for guidance and a sign to know when his task is completed
The servant’s prayer was no for himself so much as for his master. He wanted to make sure the task was correctly done as Abraham wanted it. And we see that he is rewarded for his prayerful diligence, in that his prayer is answered.

Elijah stood before Ahab, possibly the worst king Israel had ever suffered. And in rebuke, Elijah prayed and there was drought for 3 ½ years. And then he prays, and rain comes.
I Kings 17:1-7 -Elijah prays for drought
I Kings 18:41-46 -Elijah prays for the drought to end
Elijah’s prayers were answered. Once again, we see that there is nothing immediately miraculous about the answer, but what he had asked for came to be.

Daniel was in exile in Babylon. But he did not stop praying to the Lord. When Babylon fell to the Medes and Persians, he continued his prayer.
Daniel 2:1-23 -Daniel prayers for understanding of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream
Daniel 6:1-23 -Daniel prayers daily, survives lion’s den
We see Daniel’s effective prayer in that he was able to save the ungodly “wise men” of Nebuchadnezzar’s court. God answered his pryer on the behalf of others. We see also that Daniel made a practice of regularly going to the Lord in prayer. And for this he is rewarded for his diligence and godliness.

Just as we see prayers fulfilled in the past, we can know that our prayers are heard by God today. We can have confidence that our prayers will be answered.
James 5:13-18 -The effective prayer of a righteous man
I Peter 3:7 -Do not let your prayers be hindered
I John 5:14-17 -God hears prayers
Acts 10:30-33 -God hears those who seek Him

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