Monday, June 8, 2009

A Life Following Christ - 6/7/09am

A Goal to Accomplish
Our text this morning is sometimes referred to as the “limited commission.” It was that the apostles were to teach Israel. The “great commission,” which was to be taught to all, is for us to fulfill as well. We must be about the Lord’s work of spreading the gospel, that souls may be saved.
Matthew 10:1-4 -The twelve apostles
Matthew 10:5-15 -The apostles are given a job to do
Matthew 28:18-20 -Go unto all the world, teaching and baptizing

A Promise of Persecution
Christ told the apostles that they would be persecuted and that they would face perils and trials. We too, as Christians will face persecutions. Perhaps not to the degree they did, but nonetheless, we face difficulties as we remain faithful.
Matthew 10:16-24 -The apostles will be persecuted
II Corinthians 4:7-14 -Though oppressed, we stand firm
II Timothy 3:10-17 -All who follow Christ will be persecuted

A Caring Master
The apostles were reminded that they have a caring Lord. As they were sent into the world, it must have been a great comfort. It should be for us as well.
Matthew 10:25-33 -The Lord will care for those who fear Him
I Peter 5:6-11 -Be humble and obedient, for He cares for you

A First Priority
We see that first and foremost, Christ should be first in our lives. Division will come between those who put the Lord first and those who do not. And it is not hard to see which are the ones who Christ approves.
Matthew 10:34-39 -They were to put Christ first in their lives
Matthew 6:33 -Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness
Matthew 13:22 -The worldly cares that choke the word

A Reward
The apostles were told that there would be a reward for diligent service and obedience. So it is with us as well.
Matthew 10:40-42 -There is a reward for service
II Timothy 4:6-8 -A crown of righteousness
II Corinthians 5:1-10 -The promise of judgment, and a reward for those who please God

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