Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Garden of Eden - 6/29/08am

The Rule
Genesis 2:15-17
God gave Adam and Eve a single, simple rule: Don’t. It is something that we see throughout scripture: God’s rules are not individually difficult. They are not burdensome or impossible. They are simple, straightforward ordinances.
I John 5:1-5 -His commands are not burdensome
Matthew 11:28-30 -His yoke is easy, his burden is light

The Lie
Genesis 3:1-5
Satan, coming as a serpent, lied to Eve. Notice that what he essentially says is that God didn’t really mean what He said. How often do we hear similar things? That even though the Bible says it, God wouldn’t really do that.
II Peter 2:1-10 -If God punished all these, He’ll punish other sinners
II Thessalonians 1:5-9 -Punish those who don’t know God or obey Christ

The Sin
Genesis 3:6-7
And so we see the first two people sin. And we see several different aspects of sin in their action. We see that it is disobedience to God. We also see that it is following Satan.
I John 3:4-10 -Sin is lawlessness, sinners are of the devil

The Hiding
Genesis 3:8-13
When they realized that they had sinned, and recognized they were naked and had sinned, they tried to hide from God. This is often a person’s first response: to hide their sin and try to hide from God.
Numbers 32:23 -Your sin will find you out
Jonah 1:1-17 -Jonah tries to run from God

The Consequences
Genesis 3:14-24
The immediate consequences were all negative. Death would come (physical and spiritual) and mankind would have labor and pain. But notice the love of God in this: even at this point, He established His plan for the redemption of mankind, and did not leave man without hope.

Romans 6:23 -The wages of sin is death
James 1:15 -Sin brings forth death
Romans 5:12-21 -Through Adam came sin/death. Through Christ came life.
Romans 6:1-14 -Die to sin, live in Christ

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