Friday, March 28, 2008

Paul: What he was and wasn't -3/16/08am

Paul: What He Was And Wasn’t
II Peter 3:15-16

Peter writes here that Paul has delivered in his letters the wisdom that God had granted him. He lets the reader know that some of it is hard to understand, yet in Paul’s letters are words that help lead to salvation. Paul was not one of the original twelve apostles. Yet he wrote about half of the books of the New Testament. There is much to be learned from Paul: not only from his message and words, but from his life.

Saul Persecutes the Church - Acts 8:1-3
Saul’s Conversion - Acts 22:3-16
Not Immediately Accepted - Acts 9:26-30
Was Eventually Fully Accepted - Galatians 1:18-2:10

Much as Paul came from the depths of sin and evil, so it is with many in the church. Everyone has opportunity to come to Christ. There is no one who we should overlook as being unworthy. And we should accept that although we have sinned in the past, we can push on and strive to live Godly lives, knowing that the Lord can, and will, forgive us.

It is also informative and motivating to look at what Paul was and was not. In the many ways that Paul is described, there are lessons that can be applied to our lives today.

Paul was not:

A Great Speaker - II Corinthians 11:6
Paul was evidently not a great orator, yet he was willing to teach others. Are we willing to step out of our comfort zones as we are needed? And we are all needed, in one capacity or another.

Physically Impressive - II Corinthians 10:10
Paul was apparently not impressive in stature or presence. We see that such is not necessary for being a servant of the Lord.

A Fool - II Corinthians 11:16-21
It is hard to be a valuable member of Christ’s body and a fool at the same time. Paul showed wisdom: a wisdom that we should all strive to exercise.

Boastful - II Corinthians 11:30
Sometimes it is hard to now crow about what great things we have done. To do so is to be overly proud, to do so it to step out of line, and to do so is at odds with the idea of doing things for spiritual reasons (Matthew 6:3). We must retain our proper focus.

Unhindered - II Corinthians 12:7-10
We often have things that occur in life that seem to prevent us from doing God’s work. Paul had a thorn in the flesh, and if he could continue on anyway, then so can we.

Sinless - I Timothy 1:15
Paul had persecuted the church. He had zealously striven against Christ. And yet, even so, he was able to repent and turn to Christ. We have all sinned, and we can all find repentance.

A Poor Example - I Corinthians 11:1
Paul strove to set an example. It is an example that we should all look towards and follow. Likewise, we need to be aware of the example we set for others around us: friends, coworkers, the brethren, children, etc. etc. etc.

Preaching for the profit - I Corinthians 9:3-18
Today we often see people who preach in such a way as to become wealthy. Paul, while understanding that payment was acceptable, did not preach in order to find riches.

Always in agreement with brethren - Acts 15:36-41
We may occasionally find ourselves at odds with other brethren. The question is this: how do we handle it? Do we permit it to cause dissension and prevent God’s work from being done? Or do we seek to resolve it and carry on with God’s will?

Non-confrontational - Galatians 2:11-21
Paul was willing to confront error when he saw it. We must be willing to show the same lack of tolerance towards sin in our lives. And sometimes, that does require confrontation.

Blind towards good deeds - Romans 16:1-15
Paul recognized those who strove to live Godly lives, and often sang their praises throughout his letters. Are we willing to look around and recognize the good that others do? Are we willing to encourage them as Paul did?

Paul was:

A Hebrew - II Corinthians 11:22
Being a Hebrew, and a well educated and trained one, he was familiar with the Old Law and prophecies.

A Servant of Christ - II Corinthians 11:23
Shouldn’t we all be servants of Christ? Are we truly serving the master?

Persecuted - II Corinthians 11:24-25
All Christians feel persecuted at times. Yet have any of us endured such as Paul? Are any of us willing to endure what Paul did?

Concerned for the Brethren - II Corinthians 11:28
Paul felt concern for the brethren in all the churches. Are we as concerned with one another?

An Ex-Pharisee - Philippians 3:5
Paul had been trained as a Pharisee: he was very knowledgeable about the Law, and as a Pharisee would have tried to strictly observe it.

A Roman Citizen - Acts 22:25-29
In addition to being a Hebrew, he was a Roman citizen, which opened doors to him. Are we willing to take advantage of the opportunities God has given us?

Familiar with Greek Writings - Acts 17:28
Paul had some level familiarity with Greek writings, and was able to use that to teach the gospel. Do we make spiritual connections to things in our daily lives?

A Preacher - Galatians 1:11-12
Paul taught what God taught. Not something made up of his own, but Christ’s message. Do we teach this same gospel in our lives?

A Bold Writer - II Corinthians 10:1
Paul was often blunt, and boldly proclaimed the truth. Are we willing to do the same, when it is necessary?

An Apostle - I Corinthians 1:1
Although we are not apostles in the sense that Paul and other 1st were, we can still be messengers. Are we?

Saved - II Timothy 4:6-8
Paul was confident in his salvation, having striven to serve the Lord. He had done his utmost to fulfill his role, and had done his utmost to carry out God’s will. Are we able to have his confidence in eternity?

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